@Devils du New Jersey

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  1. mustachiolong

    The guy might be the one of the most frustrating players to watch, but you can tell the locker room loves him. He’s also extremely thoughtful in pre/post game interviews. Potential future coach sometime down the line for some team.

  2. Flux_resistor

    Scores a breakway, first thought: I’m gonna get heckled for this aren’t I?

  3. ScrewOff_

    If we could hire permanent locker room guys, Brendan Smith and Broadway (RIP) wouldve been them.

    The 2 best seasons we’ve had in the last decade. Those 2 ^

  4. MeefBard

    ThIs CouLdvE bEen PosTeD iN DaILy diScUsSion

  5. weaver787

    Jacks face in the 2nd pic is so wholesome

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