@Capitals de Washington

Opinions de certains rédacteurs d’Elite Prospects sur Ryan Leonard lors de ce CMJ.

Cam Robinson, directeur du dépistage du film – EP Rinkside : >Prise en main : Gabe Perreault est un meilleur joueur que Will Smith >Et Ryan Leonard est manifestement meilleur que les deux. >https://twitter.com/Hockey_Robinson/status/1742237537999945804 JD Burke, PHWA, rédacteur en chef – EP Rinkside : >Je vais m’appuyer sur la prise de Cam ici et ajouter qu’à tout le moins, le rôle de Ryan Leonard est ce n’est pas vraiment brûlant. >Il est la force motrice du jeu chaque fois que ce trio entre sur la glace. Je sais que les wagons couverts ne crient pas future star, mais la bande oui. Il est spécial. >https://twitter.com/JDylanBurke/status/1742238367230661028 Mitchell Brown : >Ryan Leonard présente le match complet au Mondial junior. Jeu intérieur, création de jeu, génération d’occasions de marquer, etc. > Il a accumulé plus d’occasions que ses deux coéquipiers réunis, plus d’entrées que l’un ou l’autre (avec moins de revirements que les deux) et a égalé le jeu de Smith. >https://twitter.com/MitchLBrown/status/1741872043950473459 Le tweet de Brown comprend [this chart](https://i.imgur.com/BjJJ7dL.png) montrant des statistiques avancées sur les performances de Leonard en tournoi jusqu’au 1er janvier. — Éloges élogieux de la part de personnes qui ne sont pas que des ***scruteurs amateurs***. Espérons que Leonard soit à la hauteur de son potentiel



  1. Best-Squash

    He’s gonna be a stud for the Caps. Very similar game to Mathew Tkachuk. He has the potential to be a ppg winger, PP and PK player, potential #1 player in the org once Ovi is gone. And teams/players will hate to play against him, he’s as tough as they come. Love this pick so much and I’m just hoping the org handles his development correctly (aka don’t let him play in Hershey for 5 years, get him with the big boys asap lol)

  2. Leesburgcapsfan

    Thats actually really reassuring. Im trying not to take too much stock in a single tournament, but couldnt help but feel a little discouraged at all these players racking up big points and him not being one of them.

  3. TweakTheBeef

    least reactionary wjc takes.

    ofc it’s jd burke and cam robinson.

  4. potatophobic

    Also don’t overlook Ryan Chesley whos looking solid

  5. K00ksRus

    Remember he is playing on the 3rd line which makes it even more impressive.

  6. > more entries than either [of his linemates] with fewer turnovers than both

    This is what the Caps desperately need. We have guys who can create and finish scoring chances if they get the puck in good areas, but we get held up at the blue lines and pushed to the boards too much. Leonard is a player who can get the puck to those good areas.

  7. RussettBurbank

    He seems to have a lot of jump AND skill. So many times our prospects are hopeful but not quite great (at least GMGM era ones) , but having seen him in person , he seems like the real deal.

  8. BrainPolice1011

    Where’s the poster who claims to be an amateur scout and posits Leonard was a wasted draft pick with no upside?

  9. SiccSemperTyrannis

    You love to see it. The Caps have not yet completely committed to a rebuild, but guys like Leonard are going to be the future core of the team.

    It will be interesting to see if he leaves college after this NCAA season ends in the spring and joins the Caps or takes a 2nd year. I don’t think the Caps have an open roster spot for him at the moment so the best path may be staying another year at school and continuing to develop physically.

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