@Devils du New Jersey

Jack Hughes est absent ce soir, ne sachant pas combien de temps il va manquer

https://x.com/amandacstein/status/1743755300459397516?s=46&t=BSE5BwaVHJxKdthA8a5nLA Mise à jour sur les blessures des diables classiques



  1. Saw_Doctor

    You can thank the shit ice at the rock for that one

  2. TheNightRain68

    Said this in the other Timo post, but fuck this season with injuries. 9 players have missed time from injury. Most of it significant time. I don’t think we’ve had the full starting roster fully healthy once this season. And really shitty timing with the Cancuks, Panthers and Bruins within the next few games…

  3. vtloncto14

    Ugh, hope its not long-term. They didn’t put him on IR yet tho from what i can tell – hopefully that means good things lol

  4. DavidPuddy666

    “Man sucks Lindy didn’t play Clarke the other night. I hope he gets a chance to play soon.”

    *monkeys paw curls*

  5. JerseyDvl

    What is the injury? We won’t tell you.

    How much time might he miss? We won’t tell you.

    This has been your traditional New Jersey Devils injury update.

  6. CavCord141

    Watching the slow mo videos of jacks injury and I actually blame our shit ice for it. His foot started bouncing across it and after the game the mascot almost wiped out in the same exact spot.

    Edit: also feel like it must be fairly serious if he’s missing this game knowing what he’s played through in the past and that worries the shit out of me

  7. Kornja81

    Medical and conditioning staff as well as those in charge of ice maintenance need to be fired

  8. RunningM8

    It didn’t look good, to me it looked like he twisted his knee.

  9. Killamaniax

    What’s up with the ice at the rock this year? I feel like it’s been terrible this year and has actually impacted our offense and now is leading to injuries

  10. SouthernSox8600

    This is a bad organization. Lucky they got the first overall pick twice because I think they would still be a bottom 5-10 team had they not. Between the location of the arena, parking, arena food (worst in NHL in my opinion), songs (same stuff each game) and the ice condition, this is a second rate organization and results will reflect it. Team needs a new coach so these players aren’t taking huge risks every night and just a true commitment to excellence that has been lacking to date.

  11. Franzblau

    This might be the only time Luke gets to take on Quinn without Jack there. Expect a big game from Lukey tonight.

  12. Soco_Amaretto_Lime

    Seeing other comments, I had not realized the poor ice quality at the Rock this season but I will take others’ word for it.

    I am in no way saying the fall is on Jack, only that my immediate reaction to seeing him go down was frustration as to why he feels the need to try going through 3 defenders at full speed with 5 mins left with a one goal lead. Can we not as a team play safe hockey and protect a lead by getting pucks deep once we cross the red line. The other lines started doing it, but I feel like Jack always wants to bring it in himself.

    Hate that this happened and hope it’s not serious. Between this and Nico taking so many hard hits, I just want our young core to be safe out there.

  13. i_saw_nothing

    Even Jack knows that it’s the second of a back to back, and destiny is already written.

  14. DiablosdeNuevaJersey

    I guess it’s up to the dawgs tonight.

  15. Harrisonmonopoly

    If somebody wants to ask the doctors any questions, they sit directly next to the tunnel by the bench. There’s like 4 of them. Somebody go get us some answers.

  16. SubParandLovingit

    Can I just say something, and please hear me out before getting on me about this lol

    Lately, especially the last week or so, I feel like we’ve been winning DESPITE Jackie Boy. Look, I love Jack, I love his skill, his compete, dude is the face of our franchise. HOWEVER, he’s been a turnover machine lately, has been trying to out-skill entire opposing lines all by himself, and offensive zone pushes have completely fizzled because of that type of play.

    I say that to say this…while it sucks to see Jack go down, I’m intrigued to see how this team plays when they have to simplify the passing, focus on team play, and avoid some of the over finessing of their puck play.

    Get well soon Jack, heal up Timo, and let’s get some points in the meantime.

  17. Flashy_Curve7401

    Is bastian with Nico? Did I hear that right?

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