@Predators de Nashville

Ingram trouve sa place en tant que gardien des Coyotes après avoir été confronté à des problèmes de santé mentale

J’ai pensé que ce serait bien de le publier car cela parle beaucoup de son séjour à Nashville. C’est bon de voir qu’il a travaillé sur ses problèmes de santé mentale et il semble qu’il ait trouvé une bonne place en Arizona. Content pour le gars



  1. The_Stank__

    Dude nets me some really good points in fantasy as my back up goalie. I’m very happy to see he’s doing well too. Can’t wait to see his future in the league

  2. kissingwookiees

    This was a great read for my Sunday. I struggle with OCD myself, I know how bad that implosion before you’re formerly diagnosed can be first hand. The relief once you have a name for what you’re going through and a game plan to work through it so you can get your life back on track is monumental.

    Can only hope Ingram and his game flourishes from here on out and thank him for sharing his experience. OCD is so misunderstood! Hope his story speaks to someone out there who might be struggling too and not know it yet. Also big ups to the folks around him on the Preds who recognized it and pushed him to get help <3

  3. TwinTowersJenga

    Loved him when was with the Ads!

  4. RicerX-16

    Really happy to read this!

    I’m glad to see progress on the front of mental health treatment. Sounds like both organizations were very supportive.

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