@Flyers de Philadelphie

Une nouvelle pièce rejoint The Rebuild – Snow The Goalie Ep. 228

Anthony SanFilippo, Russ Joy et Chris Therien alias Bundy discutent des plus grandes histoires entourant les Flyers de Philadelphie sur et hors de la glace sur Snow The Goalie : A Flyers Podcast. Dans cet épisode, les gars discutent de l’acquisition de Jamie Drysdale, de ce que l’échange de Cutter Gauthier pourrait signifier pour Matvei Michkov, et plus encore. 👕 SNOW THE GOALIE MERCH : https://shop.snowthegoalie.com/ 🌴 Inscrivez-vous au voyage Snow The Goalie à Clearwater pour un match des Phillies et des Flyers ! 🌊 https://phillysportstrips.com/trips/snowthegoalie/ ✅ Votez pour Snow The Goalie comme podcast de hockey de l’année 🗳️ https://www.sportspodcastgroup.com/sports_category/best-hockey-podcast/ Suivez l’émission sur Twitter : https ://twitter.com/SnowTheGoalie Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/SnowTheGoalie/ Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/snowthegoalie/ YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/@snowthegoalie Site : https://snowthegoalie.com/ Abonnez-vous sur votre application de podcast préférée https://tinyurl.com/STGApplePodcasts https://tinyurl.com/STGSpotify https://tinyurl.com/STGAmazonMusic https://tinyurl.com /STGGooglePods https://tinyurl.com/STGStitcher https://tinyurl.com/STGPandora Suivez les gars sur Twitter https://www.twitter.com/@AntSanPhilly https://www.twitter.com/@JoyOnBroad https https://www.twitter.com/@ctherien6


  1. I accidentally came here and found you guys are making episode today. This is 1am in Finland.

  2. They scratch him for d low, too. The last couple times he's played, he sat on the bench for the whole third period.

  3. You guys do great work

    Only Hayes knows what he said
    If Hayes called flyers said he didn’t do it then we go with it even if he lied or not I don’t know

    Good fir Hayes to say something so turn page move on and enjoy our future star

  4. Alright I'm one of the mods of that group that "banned" you guys. I didn't wanna ban, I just wanted to make a post talking about it. But yes apparently something happened between Anthony and one of the mods about Gostisbehere a few years ago. My beef was how Sanfilipo went onto Daily Faceoff and didn't apologize for the way he talked about Hayes. MUCH RESPECT TO Therien for actually apologizing. If you saw any of MY comments, that's all I wanted to hear. That it was a heat of the moment thing that got taken too far. And yes Sanfilipo is a rude a-hole when confronted about anything. I really don't care about that. I didn't think you were going to get banned.

  5. Why is even upset about the trade! Cutter is unproven player! They sold us Provorov and he was garbage among many other top picks, Pavel Brendl! Who cares, stop talking about Cutter – we playing good right now – fck him

  6. Sanheim's hometown is Elkhorn Manitoba. He played junior in Calgary some people have misunderstood. Winnipeg is closer to being his "hometown" than Calgary.

  7. There… now I heard the pod about Hayes I was pissed st him and I believe he talked sh&7 bout Philly. I believe he did, torts heard death threTs & flyers organization had to tell him that there liable if this things grows ,

  8. Well spoken Russ and giving credit to Bill and Charlie. I love both your shows and listen to you both. Love to see us all United as Flyers fans and defending our City—Drysdale will be the better Flyer;)

  9. Gates definatley said Philly sucks and torts traded him. A junior can’t make decisions that young and see the big pic, plus I believe cutter is a showboat, flyers aren’t a Michigan type team he wants to show off ( Mc David) and hawks kid so he wants to maintain his “ the man” around juniors and flyers are not that team. Duckies are I live in OC

  10. Ante y I know you heard good scoop but some jacksss went yo far because he’s in love with cutter… oooh cutter omg he’s stud. Doink

  11. Look I live in OC here they salivate over a show off player it’s frickin Disney dude duckies can’t wait to get there cute wee #1 pick omg there in heaven here

  12. It’s a total dick move by torts. This is 1 of the reasons players hate playing for him. This trade and incident is the beginning of the end of torts in Philly. Veterans won’t resign with him as coach. Just look at Columbus when he was there he had them winning and the vets still left because of him.

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