@Flyers de Philadelphie

1/13 PHI contre WPG Après-match : John Tortorella

Écoutez l’entraîneur-chef des Flyers, John Tortorella, après une victoire de 2-0 contre les Jets.


  1. If people who are presumably employed to use their words to describe events, need to ask "what does it say about the team?" ad nauseam, then I am not sure they are in the proper profession.
    Unless of course they are simply wanting the coaches and players to moonlight at their job as well?

  2. Remember the Eric Lindros saga? We had the curse of that. Gauthier has that same feeling. Too many stupid trades dealing players who become Stanley cup winners after the fact. Don't explode Torts.

  3. “Does it say anything about this team” cliche. Think of a different tactical question for once

  4. Happy for Atkinson. No goals in 26 games and now scored all goals of the game.

  5. 1. Uhm, your team just rallied to win two games in which it was trailing by 2 goals. What does this say about your team's ability to rally?

    2. Uhm, you just walked in from the rain and you're all wet. What does this say about the wetness of rain?

    3. Uhm, you just had a birthday. What does this say about your age?

    Reporters are idiots. They don't ask questions. They ask rhetorical questions so they can add quotes to their already-written stories.

    4. Uhm, your team just won without two important players. What does this say about your team's ability to win without important players?


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