@Sabres de Buffalo

Comment sommes-nous revenus à Krugering nos étoiles si vite

Comment sommes-nous revenus à Krugering nos étoiles si vite



  1. edit-the-sad-parts

    coach the players to their strengths, if that doesn’t result in winning then change the roster to find the right mix. we’ve done neither effectively and have broken this team

  2. Roll_DM

    Good teams never coach defenseman to play defense. Everyone on the ice just does whatever and then every couple years it’s your turn so the championship fairy drops off your cup.

  3. AceTrainer315

    When Rasmus was drafted he was predicted to be elite offensively and defensively, thats why some people were calling him the next Nik Lidstrom, and a generational talent. When he figures out how to do both at the same time he’s going to be a force.

  4. AgeOfTheExpandingMan

    It seems like the Sabres wanted to do what the Jets did this year… Become a really hard team to play against with great team defense. Instead it just choked off the offensive production (way beyond a normal regression from career highs from last year), and the team D really didn’t improve. Erik Johnson was talking up team D in the first weeks big time. I got the feeling that he was supposed to be the catalyst for it. But people stopped doing what they do best and they got off of their game. Then Tage messed up his hand on the PK and it just spiralled out of control.

    I’m not blaming EJ. Although his game has been pretty bad, it was a coaching and whole team problem.

    I really miss the freewheeling, high-scoring Sabres. I get what they were trying to do, but, man, they really missed the mark in the implementation

  5. The-Real-Larry

    The Sabres haven’t had a good head coach since…Lindy? I think that’s part of the problem.

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