@Avalanche du Colorado

Fil de discussion Avs VS Habs, édition Canada Must Die (17h00 Montagne)

Équipe de présentation du #Game | 1er | 2ème | 3ème | OT | Finale :—–:|:—–:|:—–:|:—–:|:—-:|:——:
[COL](/r/Coloradoavalanche) /r/coloradoavalanche | – | – | – | – | –
[MTL](/r/Habs) /r/habs | – | – | – | – | – ***** #Points forts ####1er : – [1 – 0 COL](https://v.redd.it/sor44q4n3pcc1) – [1 – 1 Tie](https://v.redd.it/02faftwz4pcc1) ####2ème : – ####3ème : – ####Autre : – ***** ^^Pendant que ^^Reddit ^^récompenses ^^ sont ^^appréciés, ^^envisagez ^^de vous abonner ^^à ^^le ^^[DNVRYouTube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8aOXvlqQqMlTFvbbAarD-A) ^^chaîne ^^ou ^^achat ^^un ^^abonnement ^^à ^^[TheDNVR](https://thednvr.com)



  1. abstractarrow

    What does « clear the zone » mean? Asking for a ~~friend~~ hockey team

  2. Waste_Willingness723

    Need a reset after that last goal-against.

  3. Adotham

    I’m here for Rycroft discussing Tim Horton’s blueberry muffins.

  4. Loofbox

    Did the boys over do it in the Mtl strip clubs yesterday ?

  5. D34thFate

    There are only two things that I hate. Those who are intolerant of other people’s cultures. And French Canadians.

    Edit: /s this is definitely a joke

  6. mikess101

    This is gonna be a whole “couldn’t-get-that-one-out”-ass game isn’t it?

  7. JoshDogMooseChushkin

    Can you imagine if Chooch comes back as energized as Sammy has? His play has leveled up quite a bit. If Chooch levels up any more, he’ll be unstoppable!

  8. spectre013

    bet a lot of you try and forfeit when its 1 -1 in Rocket League.

    I mean reading the comments you would think we were down 5 to nothing.

  9. Beer_Kicker

    Zero energy and Montreal has all of it

  10. JaniceSauce

    They should hang out in Montreal’s zone.

  11. porkchopespresso

    At one point I was thiiiiis close to being a Habs fan. I mean it was so close. Got lucky. I always think about that when we play them

  12. morallyobjected

    cutting someone’s legs out from under them: not a trip anymore?

  13. AllRushMixTapes

    Rantanen, you’re the one we want shooting there.

  14. abstractarrow

    I don’t want to like Caufield but I can’t help it

  15. Gray_side_Jedi

    The love that Drouin and Girard seem to be getting from the crowd is certainly endearing Habs fans to me…

  16. HoodPhones

    Dare I say.. RyJo has looked good to start this game?

  17. D34thFate

    Just like MLK, the tribute to him got cut short. Thanks ESPN, you dicks. I almost went 5 minutes without hearing « LIVE SPORTS! »

  18. Loofbox

    For dear god my office is 100% Habs fans except for me, don’t do this to me juju

  19. james_kaspar

    Justus is the backup? What happened to Ivan?

  20. Waste_Willingness723

    Always a joy reading doomer comments in a GDT when things are tied up in the first period.

  21. warmage20

    Jake Allen. How do we feel about him as a backup?

  22. andycumbee19

    Jake… Allen?

    K&L listeners will hear that in VJ voice 😎

  23. abstractarrow

    Fuck me but Johansen is slow, just aimless circles that whole cycle

  24. D34thFate

    Why have a song for icing? Don’t make me hate foreigner

  25. porkchopespresso

    Hope everyone has managed to stay warm out there. Love the occasional cold snap

  26. scaremanga

    It’s not much, but we do have some defense now lol

  27. Jaynator11

    I for 1 am looking forward to even get Wood back tomorrow so we don’t have to play 8 Ds.

    That being said, the guys have done well so far, very good intensity.

  28. mikess101

    Moose’s decision-making has been extremely sus for a few weeks now. Dude cannot help but overpass it on the rush, he absolutely refuses to shoot it himself

  29. Hi_Flyers

    good lord that puck turned into a fucking top after that clear

  30. Vivid_Walk_1405

    Dude we are playing bad this period. Just giving turnovers right left and center

  31. loldrisio

    At least Georgie is playing well. He’s blocked some sabotage shots.

  32. JoshDogMooseChushkin

    Jeebus! 15 SOG in the 1st period?!? What a barn-burner!

  33. Loofbox

    Well that period is over. Hopefully we come out buzzing

  34. Vivid_Walk_1405

    I think they come out on fire in the 2nd and 3rd

  35. Beer_Kicker

    Not the best period, but certainly not the worst.

  36. Adotham

    Shout out to the guy behind the Avs bench wearing an Oilers hat in Montreal.

  37. Straight-Ability

    Any love for Jack Johnson in here? He has been better than ever this year for his role.

  38. morallyobjected

    the 2nd and 3rd periods have been our best, after that horrible string of 2nds earlier in the year, so we’ve got the Habs right where we want them

  39. porkchopespresso

    I don’t want to tempt fate, but we have had some much improved 2nd periods of late. Could be another big one

  40. Hi_Flyers

    Not a great period defensively but no real massive breakdowns I’d say, and Georgie has been to bail them out except for that one backdoor PPG. Just a bit sloppy with passing and clearing, the boys will regroup and come back to run them off the ice next period!

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