@Flames de Calgary

Votre résumé hebdomadaire des /r/calgaryflames pour la semaine du 10 au 16 janvier

**Mercredi 10 janvier – mardi 16 janvier** ###Top vidéos | score | commentaires | titre et lien | |–|–|–| | 554 | [38 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/195dvx2/a_view_of_sharons_filthy_move_the_sportsnet/) | [A view of Sharon’s filthy move the sportsnet viewers never got to see. ](https://v.redd.it/7ox7jhlqi4cc1)| | 265 | [25 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/194lbz5/the_wheels_are_in_fine_form/) | `[Video]` [The wheels are in fine form](https://v.redd.it/t198vop1kxbc1)| | 223 | [30 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/198m1ha/greeheeheesy/) | [Gree-hee-heesy ](https://v.redd.it/s87l22ik0xcc1)| | 183 | [11 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/194nxjk/i_guess_me_legs_still_work_oliver_kylington_on/) | `[Video]` [« I guess me legs still work » – Oliver Kylington on how he felt playing in his first game since May 2022](https://v.redd.it/lztt1g789ybc1)| | 128 | [9 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/1988dmw/mandatory_post_every_time_we_see_g_wolf_has_been/) | `[Shitpost]` [Mandatory Post Every Time We See “G Wolf has been recalled by CGY”](https://v.redd.it/t9f31uks6ucc1)| | 117 | [10 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/194m97d/overly_excited_or_drunk_flames_fan_falls_into/) | [Overly excited (or drunk) Flames fan falls into disappointed Mullet wearing Arizona fans 😅😂😂 congrats Sharangovich! Your fans are stoked 🍻](https://v.redd.it/skk987s0txbc1)| | 74 | [8 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/194o1sc/i_was_hoping_i_wasnt_gonna_have_to_say_that_name/) | [« I was hoping I wasn’t gonna have to say that name tonight » ](https://v.redd.it/1kg2uexnaybc1)|   ###Commentaires sur le fil de discussion du jeu | score | commentaire | |–|–| | 184 | /u/tristan1616 a dit [Yegor Sharangovich is a Calgary Flame](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/198o8hj/post_game_thread_arizona_coyotes_at_calgary/ki8kna4/?context=5) | | 139 | /u/Serapth a dit [First 50 minutes: Worst Game Ever Last 15 minutes: Best Game Ever](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/198o8hj/post_game_thread_arizona_coyotes_at_calgary/ki8kn9g/?context=5) | | 119 | /u/Embracat a dit [Feel like Sharangovich said, listen, I’m the only one who can score in a fucking shootout, so let’s not do that. I end game here.](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/198o8hj/post_game_thread_arizona_coyotes_at_calgary/ki8ktyj/?context=5) | | 90 | /u/Paulhockey77 a dit [Idk what Huska said but man what a comeback This team could sneak into the playoffs by commitee which would be crazy Please just don’t sign lindholm 8×9 lol. We need more youth](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/198o8hj/post_game_thread_arizona_coyotes_at_calgary/ki8kquz/?context=5) | | 72 | /u/jobruski a dit [We have a confirmed sniper. Huby- we need you on that line. Dube’s gotta find a good sport psychologist. It’s a gorilla on his back.](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/198o8hj/post_game_thread_arizona_coyotes_at_calgary/ki8kx88/?context=5) | | 67 | /u/littlbrothadougi a dit [Barb was PUMPED when Sharky got the goal](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/198o8hj/post_game_thread_arizona_coyotes_at_calgary/ki8ko0m/?context=5) | | 65 | /u/Comfortable-Lock-726 a dit [This team is so much fun to watch again. Thank you Huska!](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/198o8hj/post_game_thread_arizona_coyotes_at_calgary/ki8kp0t/?context=5) | | 62 | /u/trois personnes a dit [Kadri was really motivated](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/198o8hj/post_game_thread_arizona_coyotes_at_calgary/ki8kvds/?context=5) | | 49 | /u/klow91 a dit [4 IN A ROW!!! FINALLY! WOOOO SHARKY!!](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/198o8hj/post_game_thread_arizona_coyotes_at_calgary/ki8kp21/?context=5) | | 42 | /u/likethemouse a dit [When was the last time we won 4 games in a row??](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/198o8hj/post_game_thread_arizona_coyotes_at_calgary/ki8kw0o/?context=5) |   ###Meilleurs messages non merdiques | score | commentaires | titre et lien | |–|–|–| | 449 | [35 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/1946xm9/all_aboard_the_huberdeau_redemption_szn_train/) | `[Hype]` [ALL ABOARD THE HUBERDEAU REDEMPTION SZN TRAIN 🚂🚂](https://i.redd.it/1gp8krn5hubc1.jpeg)| | 281 | [21 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/194n6rs/flames_on_twitter_its_a_hat_trick_for_my_dad/) | `[Hype]` [Flames on Twitter: “It’s a hat trick for my dad.” Yegor Sharangovich’s father couldn’t make the trip over for this road swing but he’s watching back at home ❤️](https://i.redd.it/kbpirf6z1ybc1.jpeg)| | 238 | [15 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/195bxf8/baby_coleman_on_the_way_man_is_scoring_everywhere/) | [Baby coleman on the way, man is scoring everywhere.](https://i.redd.it/8n9j8ckt14cc1.jpeg)| | 203 | [16 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/197fl9m/blake_goalman_named_second_star_of_the_week/) | [Blake Goalman named second star of the week!!](https://x.com/PR_NHL/status/1746955630600998996?t=Ba5i9iZe6rzMTmTr_qVusg&s=34)| | 196 | [42 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/1987s3o/awwwoooooooo/) | `[Roster Move]` [AWWWOOOOOOOO](https://i.redd.it/gcr1p9in2ucc1.jpeg)| | 153 | [24 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/194yph7/look_who_just_passed_toffoli_in_goals_and_points/) | `[Hype]` [Look who just passed Toffoli in goals and points. Deal looking better each day.](https://i.redd.it/mb9t6hk791cc1.png)| | 136 | [41 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/196qazi/markstrom_leads_the_lead_in_goals_saved_above/) | `[Stats]` [Markstrom leads the lead in Goals Saved Above Expected](https://x.com/jfreshhockey/status/1746545471571505514?s=46&t=LN84jENPczq9d2jX5G7Qgw)| | 132 | [43 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/197e61y/flames_zary_has_realistic_chance_at_calder_trophy/) | `[Article]` [Flames’ Zary Has Realistic Chance At Calder Trophy Win](https://thehockeywriters.com/flames-zary-realistic-chance-calder-trophy-win/)| | 118 | [3 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/194mgc3/conny_cooked/) | [Conny cooked](https://i.redd.it/2abjphbzuxbc1.jpeg)| | 118 | [9 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/194mycx/me_to_conroy_everytime_sharangovich_scores/) | [Me to Conroy everytime Sharangovich scores](https://i.redd.it/l59ymgeszxbc1.jpeg)|   ###Meilleurs messages de merde | score | commentaires | titre et lien | |–|–|–| | 474 | [211 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/1965alr/anybody_think_maybe_johnny_hockey_wishes_he_could/) | `[Shitpost]` [Anybody think Maybe Johnny Hockey wishes he could turn back time and NOT be a Blue Jacket ???](https://i.redd.it/y9sk2dcwibcc1.jpeg)| | 202 | [6 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/194m9yn/hah_boom_baby/) | `[Shitpost]` [« HAH! BOOM BABY! »](https://i.imgur.com/WRp09eU.jpg)| | 169 | [33 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/193mk17/why_tank_when_you_can_be_500/) | `[Shitpost]` [Why Tank When You Can Be .500?](https://i.redd.it/ltvtb41j5pbc1.png)| | 152 | [8 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/194mc0i/theres_a_new_sheriff_in_town_sharangovich/) | `[Shitpost]` [There’s a New Sheriff in Town: ShaRANGOvich](https://i.redd.it/ygkk2zattxbc1.jpeg)| | 113 | [67 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/193aw5h/this_one_goes_out_to_all_the_on_twitter/) | `[Shitpost]` [This one goes out to all the 🧻🙌 on Twitter.](https://i.imgur.com/AE4SxTO.jpg)| | 106 | [10 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/195qcyu/you_could_make_a_religion_out_of_this/) | `[Shitpost]` [« You could make a religion out of this. »](https://i.imgur.com/St1GSzh.jpg)| | 81 | [8 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/193ha1q/gonna_get_zary_embroidered_on_my_other_jersey_if/) | `[Shitpost]` [Gonna get Zary embroidered on my other jersey if it happens](https://i.redd.it/7kv4gfe83obc1.jpeg)| | 64 | [2 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/193m9ma/had_to_revisit_an_old_meme_for_my_son/) | `[Shitpost]` [had to re-visit an old meme for my son](https://i.redd.it/tulhu6y53pbc1.png)| | 46 | [27 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/194mkjc/i_may_have_had_a_momentary_lapse_in_judgement/) | `[Shitpost]` [I may have had a momentary lapse in judgement](https://i.redd.it/bm81htn3wxbc1.jpeg)| | 42 | [1 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/195b799/sharandexter/) | `[Shitpost]` [Sharandexter](https://i.redd.it/we98w3xrv3cc1.jpeg)|  


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  1. subredditsummarybot

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