@Devils du New Jersey

Je crois que c’est le chiffre d’affaires de Holtz qui énervait Ruff.

https://vimeo.com/904221556?share=copy J’ai posté ceci dans un autre fil de discussion, mais je le soumets ici pour que tout le monde puisse au moins voir de quoi Lindy parle et juger par lui-même. J’ai une journée de travail chargée mais cela m’a déchiré, je devais voir à quelle pièce de théâtre flagrante faisait référence Ruff (désolé d’avance pour la mauvaise qualité de la vidéo). Alors je suis retourné voir la 2ème période. Je suis sûr à 99% qu’il parle de cette pièce alors qu’il reste environ 11h25 au 2ème. Il est jeté et Foote le récupère, le lance à Holtz qui est descendu le long des planches pour le soutenir. Il tente de l’avancer jusqu’au mur mais le joueur du Canadien l’a pincé très vite, et met son bâton dessus. La rondelle tombe donc au milieu de la fente et ils ont une chance de marquer. Holtz n’avait aucun temps pour faire un bon jeu, mais dans ce cas, vous aimeriez le voir reconnaître le manque de temps avant de le recevoir et manger la rondelle le long des bandes ou la faire descendre jusqu’à Foote. C’était une situation sans victoire pour Holtz, mais il ne peut pas laisser la rondelle atteindre le milieu, même si la déviation a été malchanceuse. Je dois croire que ce jeu était en violation directe de quelque chose dont les entraîneurs parlaient, car de mauvaises déviations se produisent tout le temps. À mon avis, ce n’est pas un revirement flagrant, ce n’est pas comme s’il essayait de faire quelque chose de fantaisiste dans sa propre zone. À mon avis, cela ne devrait pas justifier une mise sur banc.



  1. dad2728

    Well if that’s the case that play gets made 5-6 a night by other players without the same ramifications. Specifically Jack and Luke do that ALL the time. Bratt too.

  2. rfmiller80

    I’ll preface this by saying Luke Hughes is the truth and a future multi-all star. However, he has made some mistakes this year that have literally given me second hand embarrassment.

    If I was Holtz, I would be absolutely livid with the double standards Lindy has.

  3. quantum_monster

    This is exactly why I can’t be swayed by a six paragraph defense of Ruff. Why the fuck is he targeting just one player? Why is it solely on Holtz to be absolutely perfect or he gets immediately demoted or benched?

    Can’t wait to see Holtz be moved out and bloom under some other team (cough Shango cough) once he’s done being Ruff’s personal punching bag

  4. Hope he mentions Marino and Nemec that failed defensively which caused a goal each.

  5. nostradamefrus

    Reposting my armchair analysis from the other thread where you posted this

    Here’s how I see what happened:

    * Foote passes to Holtz while Holtz is about to get pinched
    * Puck bounces toward the slot after getting pinched. An argument could be made that it didn’t even go off his stick between the two people there
    * Bahl and Foote both try getting on the puck and try sending it in the direction of center ice
    * A Canadiens player is tied between both of them with another crossing in front trying to keep possession
    * Bahl and Foote’s attempt to move the puck goes to the Canadien crossing them and goes to the Canadien player who was in between them, who then takes the shot

    I’m already bad with player names on teams not called The Devils, so forgive me. But if my summary is even remotely accurate than Holtz has very little to do with what happens after. The defense makes a move on him to retain posession. Two of our defensemen then can’t make enough of a move to clear a high danger chance. Nobody else on the team is near where the puck is. In essence, Lindy is blaming 1 person for a high danger chance when it was a collective failure which thankfully didn’t result in anything. Wanna make a point? Sit Holtz for a cycle or two so he has a moment to reflect and collect himself. And why would Holtz still be sat after his goal in the third well after this happened? What a fucking asshole. Get Lindy out of my state

  6. SubElitePerformance

    And another thing about Holtz usage. Coaches shorten the bench to 3 lines all the time. Every coach does this, it is not new or unique to the Devils.

    I get that fans love scorers, but Holtz is not a top 6 player. Hasn’t been all season. In a tie game, wanting to move to 2 scoring lines and a grinder line isn’t a wierd thing. It sucks but bottom six scoring forwards that are average, at best, on defense are going to get sidelined in favor of better defenders.

    It’s not that deep.

  7. 6point3cylinder

    Meanwhile Brendan Smith fucked up constantly but got a free pass for it

  8. Zealousideal_Wave341

    What I dont understand is that maybe it was a bad play and he should learn from it but at the end of the day it didn’t result in a goal scored. I would get it a bit more if the Habs scored on the play

    Also how many times have we seen this play before? I thought this was their system of a quick outbreak out of the zone so in this case Willman should’ve gotten puck control once Holtz passed it to the « middle ». We always hear Bill, Dano and Sal say just chip it off the boards and clear the zone but the players rarely do that

    Next, to basically bench the kid for this play? When time after time you have Smith making boneheaded plays or taking dumb penalties but yet doesn’t miss a shift after. Or having Toffoli play top minutes with top players when clearly his speed can barely keep up with them

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