@Maple Leafs de Toronto

La Nation des Leafs réagit-elle de manière excessive ?

Alors que les Maple Leafs de Toronto sont sur une séquence de défaites composée de quelques leads assez dramatiques, Leafs Nation est en panique. Cette panique est-elle justifiée ou s’agit-il d’une réaction excessive à une mauvaise séquence ?


  1. I'm not overreacting. I'm just watching with a quiet, fatigued disappointment. Much like a parent that has a somewhat smart kid that continually makes failing marks and can't seem to get his shit together.

  2. The Leafs have 3 players making more than $10mil/per, and by next year will have 4. No other team has more than 1.

    Is this the best 4f+1d core in the league by that much of a margin?

    In '23 the Toronto core 4f+1d costs $47.9mil and in '24 will cost $54.1mil.
    Compare that to:
    NYR: $41.7mil
    TB : $41.5mil
    VEG: $39.2mil
    COL: $38.3mil

    Toronto is already spending a fortune compared to the other high spending cores and that is before Nylander and Matthews get raises.

  3. All Canada teams will loose in the playoffs and rinse and repeat next year and the year after until we are all dead and you wasted your life hoping and dreaming for something never to happen only to be DISSSAPOINTED 😂😂😂😂

  4. Not really, when you pay piss ants like Mitch Marner 10.9 per season, do not have a real goalie or a real defensive pairing, and they’ve given you no reason to believe they can win in the playoffs; it’s not an over reaction.

  5. all these guys wanted their cake and they haven't been able to add any depth!
    I dislike this core with a passion!

  6. No offence but They’re fans are just overreacting, they don’t know that they are getting a boost literally in February and March.

  7. No. They keep saying they're different…they're not. Same team, same warts, same money given to the same guys who don't show up when needed. No.

  8. It IS overreacting if ur looking at this one season. It IS NOT overreacting when u look at the last 5 years and say y are we sticking to a plan that's failed time and again?

  9. None of these core players deserves what they are paid. None of them have done anything in any playoffs let alone win a Stanley Cup if they even make the playoffs. As far as I'm concerned, these players don't deserve any more than 1million a year. Prove how good you are in the playoffs, then we talk salaries. Regular season doesn't win cups.

  10. It really is all about the massive playoff disappointments when the Leafs blow leads and lose playoff elimination games when they had the lead (like the 4 games just lost). 😀After years of decline since their Divisional Title – it is reasonable to expect the Leafs continue their struggles to hold onto a Wildcard spot. With massive payouts signed – the high paid Leaf forwards do not have an incentive to play excellent defensive games required for team success. They aren’t capable to do so. So Leaf fans might just anticipate another 8 years of the same.

  11. With what it costs to go and see the Maple leafs anything short of storming the ACC January 6th style is fair game lol fuck this team.

  12. Let's face it, if you didn't foresee this even before the season starting you're on some HARD drugs…

  13. Yes everyone is a lot lol but that's typical of this market when they win its amazing when they lose sky is falling. Any other team wouldn't receive this much attention for a losing streak especially from a team that hasn't lost like this since 2021 its comical. But luckily I'm a level headed leaf fan for which I'm glad the team and Keefer are the same thank goodness they aren't as erratic as the media and fans

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