@Ligue nationale de hockey

5 minutes après le début de la 2ème période, les Stars de Dallas ont 1 tir au but.

5 minutes après le début de la 2ème période, les Stars de Dallas ont 1 tir au but.



  1. igonnawrecku_VGC

    After 1 hour and 5 minutes in real time of not getting a single shot on goal, the Stars finally put two shots on goal while shorthanded

  2. Low_Representative80

    Really helps my Dallas players shots overs.

  3. I don’t know what happened to the Flyers this season. But they’re making a lot of good teams look pretty bad. Only Jets loss in weeks

  4. mildlysceptical22

    The Kings musta wore ‘em out..

  5. rocketmn69_

    And they’re not winning? Have mercy

  6. theOGUrbanHippie

    Fly-guys looking real good right now… And finally 2 net minders having decent seasons at the same time !!! It’s been a rough cpl years glad to see some moxie out on the ice… oh yeah and fawk Cutter !!!

  7. PavlovsDog12

    Flyers absolutely dismantled the Stars tonight, they just jump on teams early and don’t stop. Hardest working team I’ve seen in years.

  8. UncommonHouseSpider

    Ouch. That has to hurt, but the flyers are basically playing the trap. It’s successful but boring AF. Stifling.

  9. th3D4rkH0rs3

    Lane Lambert strategy. Spoiler alert: it doesn’t work.


    How is that possible? LOL, is this not a record or something

  11. rhunter99

    It’s the new era of load management

  12. Jarl_Jakob

    It’s like me trying to play online NHL

  13. fromTheskya

    lmfao this is giving me flashbacks to the 3rd round last year…

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