@Sabres de Buffalo

C’est une pénalité RARE dans la LNH

Après qu’une tempête de neige ait annulé les plans d’hier soir, aujourd’hui, les Blackhawks de Chicago sont arrivés à Buffalo. Un match qui a vu 10 pénalités différentes – de la retenue, du recoupement, du trébuchement et d’un appel d’embarquement controversé de 5 minutes alors que Philipp Kurashev frappait durement Erik Johnson dans les bandes. Mais nous avons également vu une pénalité que l’on voit très rarement dans la LNH après que Rasmus Dahlin ait joué la rondelle alors qu’il était encore dans la surface de réparation. Bien que rare, il s’agit techniquement d’une pénalité pour interférence, comme nous l’avons vu il y a 10 ans avec Ryan Carter. Un an plus tard, avec Dougie Hamilton ainsi que Patrick Kane à un moment donné. J’explique la règle et couvre tout le reste de ce match dans la vidéo de hockey de la LNH d’aujourd’hui !


  1. Defiantly a boarding. As a player especially at this level u should know that the player is going to turn back to get themselves some space to move the puck. Besides, the reason that everything is reviewed now is because of the gambling.
    Oh, by the way…… It is nice to see those sweaters again. Been a while!

  2. I mean…. I thought this was common knowledge. But, they are rare. There was one in a Flyers game this season. I don't remember which team they were playing but someone played the puck as they were changing, after their skates left the ice. So it's the same penalty it was just him getting off instead of getting on. That's the one that should be shown as it's WAY more rare than these.

    Also, it's sad that there are guys in the NHL that don't know these rules. They are common rules they should've grown up with.

  3. "what is Kurachev really supposed to do here?" – lol not jam a dude into the boards via his numbers this isn't rocket science

  4. They upheld that 5 min penalty ….. used to be if you turned your back on someone you knew was coming then there was no penalty ….

  5. Someone said well in another post: arguing the player changing direction puts it as his own fault is like arguing that ramming into a car breaking in front of you on the highway not being your fault. He can move on the ice freely and the player behind needs to have the game sense to expect that the D man can do such a turn. Sometimes the contact is inavoidable, but the player can still choose whethet they push/hit the player from behind or try to minimize the impact by just trying to dodge or brake. In this case Kurashev decided to steamtoll into the Sabre

  6. Here's one for you …
    Player is awarded a penalty shot but is credited the goal without touching the puck .
    How .
    The rules state that " only the players on the ice at the time shall be allowed to be on the ice during said shot " or something to that effect
    The offending team had pulled the goalie , so technically he wasn't allowed to take part in the penalty shot. Therefore one free goal !!
    This happened in MSG during the NYC POLICE / NYC FIRE GAME

  7. This push for pure offense has made it dangerous for guys to touch players because the offensive guy is always thinking "score" instead of how to take a hit.

    At this point they may as well take contact out of the game and treat it like peewee or womens hockey, because the rate at which these guys are being called for hits that could have been taken better is terrible.

  8. If a player with the puck turns at the last second and the opponent is already committed to the hit, It should not be a penalty.
    Not five minutes not two minutes nothing , the owner is clearly on the player with the puck.
    This is becoming more of a ploy to draw penalties

  9. Buffalo should be trading zemgus, middlestad and Levi….UPL or whatever Clearly is their future starter. Their D is rock solid and just need to really throw the books on a 1st line foward…hello Elias Lindholm. Perfect fit, shouldn't be a reason why he shouldn't get over 9 and Buffalo can do it. Very mediocre offseason, he'll MTL manged to pull better players. Not a prime market but to play with Thompson and Dahlin should be a huge attraction. Must make moves for now. Even if the Will miss the playoffs they need to get a big fish here. Look at what Van did with Horonek.

  10. Definitely a 5 minute major.. when you paused it and said he wasn’t expecting a turn around….. that’s exactly what I thought he would do… he went to his back hand clear as day… even when u froze it… you must control your body as at times. Good call by refs

  11. Kurashev put his shoulder into him instead of avoiding him. Which is probably all reactionary since no one's mind works that fast, but here we are. Boarding.

  12. The thing I’ve seen this year is everyone thinks there’s a difference between a 2 and a 5 minute, yet the only thing I can find in the rule book that distinguishes a difference is “referee discretion” which means almost any boarding call can be 5 minutes if the referee’s decide it ‘looks’ bad enough.

  13. In the interest of safety I completely agree with that call. Regarding your remark about how. even players don't know the rule, I'm not surprised at all. Through the years I've been surprised at how players who do this for a living don't even know details of the rules.

  14. I hate rules just for the sake of having rules. This is a none issue rule that doesn't need to exist

  15. That crap about hitting in the numbers when the player turns is just that crap.

  16. You should be required to protect yourself near the boards. Not turn your back so they guy can't hit you.

  17. The Johnson penalty is so annoying… We see more and more players turning at the very last second for a few reasons, A) in hopes the player about to hit them will turn away and not hit them since they see numbers on their jersey (ie: boarding), B) they're hoping to get a cheap call for boarding, C) they don't know how to take a hit. In reality all this is doing is creating weird penalties and an influx in injuries on these plays.

  18. As a Canadian playing in Minnesota in the 20 aughts. I witnessed minor hockey coaches and highschool coaches teaching kids to turn away from checks. It's more and more common every year. I'm not saying it started in America, but if never seen it before then in my 20 year career. I saw highschool hockey player was paralyzed during my 4 years down there. I don't know why this is a thing. When you commit to a check there's no way to stop when the guy bails.

  19. Even if I didn't already know about the penalty, it makes sense. To me anyway. You can't play the puck if you aren't on the ice. As for the boarding call…..I am probably in the minority here, but I would rather them call it a major when it could possibly be a minor than the other way around. Maybe it's just me, but it seems like some of these hits this season are unnecessarily/on purpose harmful. Maybe they don't mean for them to be that bad, but they aren't gonna stop doing it if they don't get penalized for it.

  20. That bounce-off-the-helmet play should be disallowed. I've never liked the headhunting some players use trying to mess up the goalie, and scoring off such a play will lead to much more of this crappy behavior. At a minimum the bounce off the head should be a disallowed goal, but if this noise continues it should be made a 2min.

  21. I love how all the fans are now blaming players for getting faceplanted into the boards because they "turned at the last second".
    Any other time you can turn at the last second and it's known as this thing called GOOD SKATING. Crosby has done it down low his entire career. Turning abrubtly is a HOCKEY MOVE. The responsibility is on the player delivering the hit to make sure they don't commit to a hit when the player is 1/8 turn from facing the boards.

  22. Johnson was 100% playing the puck, he was not trying to avoid getting hit. But Kurashev pushed him down to the boards as he was turning and therefore in a vulnerable position. Kurashev did not make a shoulder to shoulder hit, just a push, which was entirely avoidable.

    My take: stop pushing/cross checking people in the back and you'll take 90% less boarding penalties.

  23. I saw that penalty live and was like WTF? You have to feel double shame for that, getting a penalty then trying to sneak up on the play and penalizing your team again! Good thing they still won 😂

  24. Just how NFL made Roughing the Passer an accidental bump into the QB.boarding is kinda the same. These are PRO ATHLETES. Momentum IS a real thing and they can't instantly stop.

  25. I'm not worried about rare penalties but the inconsistency and MISSED CALLS. If I am not mistaken a linesman is an NHL Official, the same as the two referees.
    So why are there so many penalties missed??
    It is also amazing how the ref from the opposite end of the play calls a penalty that blatantly occurs right in front of the other ref.
    I read an article somewhere and agree that what they should be able to do is have a challenge penalty review after a game just like they do when a major penalty is assessed.
    If there is a missed call on the ice that results in a player being injured and taken out of the play everything is videotaped. So you take the replay of the incident send it to the Officials Head Supervisor.
    If they review the missed or controversial call, the referee should be suspended or fined or both.
    I'm not out to hang officials however when 19000 fans see the missed call there's a problem.
    This is also occurring in other professional sports and needs to be corrected.
    It's all about player safety so the officials need to be accountable just like the police are held answerable to public complaints.

  26. The 5-minute boarding penalty is an over-kill call by the referee. There was no way that the player could have anticipated his opponent turning the way he did. Given ALL of the footage that I saw here, my conclusion is that this referee spends too much effort on being seen! I think it was Foster Hewitt who said that referees should be on the ice, but not be "seen" in any hockey match!

  27. Roughing penalty in hockey? Im 51, I still haven't figured it out. Am I the only one? Worst penalty called in the sport!

  28. It just makes me cringe that people question why this is a penalty. I mean, if you had a player just casually playing the puck from the bench during a line-change right before hopping on, you would need to be extremely mentally impaired to think that that's ok.

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