@Canucks de Vancouver

Relations publiques des Canucks : Les médias accrédités sont invités à assister à une importante conférence de presse pour une annonce qui aura lieu au Rogers Arena le vendredi 19 janvier à 11 h (heure du Pacifique).

Relations publiques des Canucks : Les médias accrédités sont invités à assister à une importante conférence de presse pour une annonce qui aura lieu au Rogers Arena le vendredi 19 janvier à 11 h (heure du Pacifique).



  1. CBennett_12

    Do we need a press conference for chrome helmets?

  2. SpectreFire

    Getting ready for the Cody Hodgson signing we’ve all been waiting for.

  3. RunWithDullScissors

    Not used to winning season…. Jim Benning brought back announcement?

  4. SandSquid73

    Really? All this for chrome helmets?

  5. shadownet97

    Rogers Arena renovations starting in the summer?

  6. phantomgiratina

    I remember them making a very important announcement and inviting all the media only for it to be the Rogers naming rights

  7. CowboyCanuck24

    It’s gonna be a 30 in press conference with Tochette reviewing all of Kuzmenkos defensive liabilities

  8. metrichustle

    Announcement: Pettersson has sighed $11M x 8 years NMC

  9. helixflush

    They’re announcing that the Vancouver Canucks are good.

  10. PS1000ShaftSeal

    Petey re-signs.

    The hold up was really about full time skate jerseys this whole time.

  11. Swimming_Departure18

    Dhaliwal had shot down Petey extension. It’ll either be the lame assed helmets… less lame Skate jersey freedom or a trade call is happening. Maybe Hronek extension but I think they’ll get Petey done first or concurrently.

  12. ebb_omega

    So, amusing speculation, but this kind of thing suggests this isn’t going to be a Hockey Ops thing, i.e. it won’t be a signing or anything to do with the players, at least not directly.

    Only thing I can think is it may be a Winter Classic/Heritage Classic announcement for next season or something like that? Or some kind of business partnership like last year’s Rogers deal announcement. In other words, don’t hold your breath for a Petey signing or something like that. If it is an employment contract of some kind it’ll be much higher up.

  13. Angry_beaver_1867

    I’m guessing Alvin extension. Maybe even an announcement of a formal transition of power from Rutherford to Alvin.

  14. RoostasTowel

    Expanded seating at the dressing room tunnel.

    Torts is going to fight during the next intermission

  15. CrayonOlympics

    Dhaliwal seems to think it’s a JR contract extension (this was the last year of his contract)

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