@Flames de Calgary





  1. deleteallsocialmedia

    I don’t think a time out would fall under that

  2. zzKURUPTzz

    I miss the days of sports not having challenges. It is ridiculous nowadays.

  3. Unlucky_Arm22

    Nhl and their useless rule book. No one knows how to work it. That call was terrible

  4. Mikel_Dup

    I think it depending if the ‘Challenge’ which results DIRECTLY to the goal, like i don’t know, toss the puck right at the goalie which tap in, maybe a time stamp or maybe the next shot which directly result to the goal… i don’t know, but 15 seconds later it turns into a goal is ridiculous..

  5. Scissors4215

    Doesn’t apply to a time out being called

    I was actually impressed the Ref forced him to use it. Leafs coach kept asking for 1 more minute and you could see the ref go “no” then turn to the linesman and tell him to drop the puck. It was only then that the leafs called Time. Usually the ref just lets the team delay

  6. Question on this. How long was it from the goal scored to the time out?

  7. ArryPotta

    Holy fuck, this whole sub is retarded.

  8. CoastalAdventur

    That’s why they called a timeout.

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