@Ligue nationale de hockey

Les Canucks sont la meilleure équipe de la ligue, les Jets juste derrière eux au sommet de leur division et les Oilers en ont remporté 12 de suite. Voici les principales actualités de la LNH sur TSN aujourd’hui…

Les Canucks sont la meilleure équipe de la ligue, les Jets juste derrière eux au sommet de leur division et les Oilers en ont remporté 12 de suite. Voici les principales actualités de la LNH sur TSN aujourd’hui…



  1. zevonyumaxray

    Toronto Sports Network…..what else is new.

  2. DangerRanger_21

    And this is why every other Canadian fan base dislikes the leafs lol

  3. Hmm I wonder where TSN’s headquarter is.

  4. Smittysgreasymullet

    Do people actually think Matthews should win the Hart? Who gives a shit if you have 70 goals and 30 assists on an 11th place team when there are two dudes already 20 points ahead and will probably finish with 40 ahead? The Hart conversation right now should be #1Mackinnon, #2Reinhart, and probably one of the Vancouver overachievers at #3. Hell even slide Hellebuyck in there before Matthews.

  5. usedtosmokepot

    They post what sells. That’s how it works.

  6. spagboltoast

    « Something something rent free something something youre just obsessed with us.  »

    -leafs fans

  7. yakkabrori

    Hmmm, I wonder why. Could it be because Leafs articles get more click than other teams’?

  8. Time-Dot5984

    Now you know why we hate the leafs so much

  9. secord92

    You would think after however many years people would understand that these places are looking to make money and do not give a fuck about your feelings lol TSN and Rogers aren’t government organizations. If posting about the Leafs is going to drive more revenue then the Jets….they are going to post about the Leafs and not the Jets and to be honest where they are at in the standings is completely irrelevant to the entire equation.

  10. mattcojo2

    This is why people don’t like the leafs. Too much attention.

    There’s plenty of good stories in the NHL to talk about and you’re focusing on this team to the nth degree.

    Not even Canadian just frustrating when the only way your team gets covered is by fan and local sources

  11. CantFitMyNam

    Hey not bad they mentioned one other team

  12. epochlink

    This is why I don’t follow TSN, I follow ESPN and I’m Canadian.

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