@Ligue nationale de hockey

Les Islanders embauchent Patrick Roy pour remplacer l’entraîneur Lambert congédié

Les Islanders embauchent Patrick Roy pour remplacer l’entraîneur Lambert congédié



  1. tomdawg0022

    Is he gonna get into a shouting match in his first game back to keep with « tradition » from what he did in Colorado?

  2. Interesting-Race-919

    Post game interviews are gonna get a hella more entertaining. Welcome back Patrick.

  3. DevilJacket2000

    Do you imagine when Patrick Roy was playing and winning those Stanley Cups and racking up wins he thought to himself, “One day I hope to coach the New York Islanders.”

  4. Strypes4686

    INB4 he gets blown out by a top team and tells the owner he’s coached his last game on Long Island.

  5. lightspanker

    This is so great for the NHL and for Islander fans. He’s such a genuine personality. I’m excited and I’m not even an Islanders fan.

  6. Butthole_on_my_face

    I can’t wait to see the Islanders pull the goalie to starting the 3rd period

  7. dadsquatch101

    And the sens miss out again on a good opportunity

  8. Henson_Disney48

    Oh good, now I can hate the Islanders and the Avalanche.

  9. tcgreen67

    I didn’t think Roy wanted to coach that badly. I thought if it was a prime situation he might, like Montreal or some team that is loaded with talent, but the Islanders are a mid tier playoff team on a good day and don’t have that much in the pipeline. I guess his desire to get back into the league was pretty strong.

  10. Free_Speak

    2 playoff rounds ! Called it here today

  11. drooln92

    Where’s the popcorn? This will be entertaining to watch. Roy is many things but never boring.

  12. Joeyjackhammer

    Press conferences in the metro just got a bit spicier.

  13. Novanator33

    Wait… you can fire your coach when the team fails to meet expectations? I wish someone would tell terry about this…

  14. Inevitable-Tourist18

    Roy is a lunatic. This will end badly

  15. Bo Horvat has now had his head coach fired and replaced in 3 straight seasons

  16. 3rr0r369

    Well not the beat coach but sports are for entertainment right? Should be entertaining

  17. Yop_BombNA


    Buffalo or Ottawa should be calling lambert.

    The isles problem is not coaching, it’s their roster

  18. Negative-Scarcity536

    Stanley cup here we come go isles

  19. JuniorBarnes

    I can’t ‘ear what Jeremy say….my favourite line of all time.

  20. SINY10306

    I just found out. Sure the date isn’t April 1st?

  21. BulbaGodofWar

    He’s perfect for the Islanders.

    Big “fuck you, we’re the best” energy, defense above all, and if ya don’t like him, even better. Absolutely love this.

  22. The_Togaloaf

    Great coach but man he’s got anger issues. Wish he could have stayed in Denver, but Bednar is worth his weight in gold. Have fun in NY

  23. ProfessionalAir882

    *Bars in NY; Brace yourselves.*

  24. TucsonTacos

    First thing he does is inform the Islanders that the Red Wings are their new rival and he expects a lot of fights

  25. cycologize

    I need Avs fans to fill me in on this guy. What can we expect?

    I’m already liking what I’m reading because we desperately need someone to deliver our players an ice cold wake up call

  26. punkerjim

    Patrick Roy is my hockey everything.

    This is a bad move.

  27. Skyrim1982

    Wonder who the first person he’s going to attack or punch will be

  28. The_Comic_Collector

    How long till he quits in a fit of rage?

  29. No-Red-Dot

    Did Lane Lambert really deserve to get fired? If Lambert was fired because the team isn’t performing to expectations, what does that mean for Keefe with the Leafs?

  30. cantbelievethename

    What a season full of shocking headlines

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