@Ligue nationale de hockey

Les Canucks de Vancouver chantent au Rogers Arena

Les Canucks de Vancouver chantent au Rogers Arena



  1. Awww, isn’t that cute, showing everyone thier little complex. 😂

  2. connor_wa15h

    They’re saying “We suck” right??

  3. donny_chang

    Be careful now! You’ll send the entire city of toronto into a crying hugfest so terrible that the mayor will declare it national leafs day!

  4. VonD0OM

    Stay classy Vancouver, wherever you are.

    EDIT: yea, I’m the bad guy here /s buncha bumbaclots.

  5. sajouhk

    I like it when LA fans do it to the Adam’s Family song.

  6. Goat17038

    Ignore the second period where there was a steady ‘Go Leafs Go’ *in Vancouver*

  7. kjnew85

    Those jerseys with the matte helmets are my favorite combo in the league by a mile

  8. iSupportCarry

    -1.5 canucks, canucks 60 min, canucks ml. Had them all

  9. JoeRoganHair

    Leafs suck we know but Nucks ain’t winning it either if they are playing like this against any good teams with good goalie 😂

  10. Haydenll1

    Sounds like every single bruins away game

  11. warmbutteredbagel

    as a leaf fan, i chuckled heartily

  12. Brazary

    As a Leaf fan that Vancouver team looks like a lot of fun to watch and add in those jerseys…

  13. TopTierTuna

    Anyone else notice that at the end of that, Roger’s Arena starts playing, « Fallen Leaves » by Billy Talent?


  14. nickelbackphotograph

    Man I wish they would’ve chanted WE WANT FLORIDA hahahahahahaahah

  15. leirbagflow

    they’re saying pizza, right? i’m not fluent in canadian

  16. GhouliesGoToCollege3

    The Toronto suits in the stands are bewildered.

  17. Deep_Information_616

    Lol Oilers are ranking higher than the Leafs! Wtf did the oilers do to turn it around!?

  18. marsisblack

    Haha ya! Fuck you leafs. Shitbirds that hop around yapping how their away games are like home games because of the chants for the leafs. Yes, you got a chant from the Canuck fans last night.

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