@Devils du New Jersey

Les Devils du New Jersey piétinés par les stars 6-2

Les Devils du New Jersey sont tombés face aux Stars de Dallas 6-2 au Prudential Center le 20/01/24. Sergei Brylin a été intronisé dans la bague d’honneur des Devils du New Jersey. Les Diables ont alors été complètement dominés par les Stars. L’ancien Diable Scott Wedgewood a claqué la porte de son ancien club. Je parle du jeu dans cette vidéo. Faites-moi part de vos réflexions dans les commentaires. Voir nos autres vidéos pour Devils Coverage! Abonnez-vous pour plus de contenu sur les Diables à venir ! https://www.youtube.com/@runninwiththedevils?sub_confirmation=1 #njdevils #dallasstars #devils #sergeibrylin #jespberbratt #tylertoffoli #alexanderholtz #nicodaws #nhl #hockey #newjerseydevils


  1. Fitzgerald's Devils depth and skill everyone has been talking about is a big fat MYTH!

  2. Yikes man, this season really ain’t it, I know we still got like 40 games left but god damn. The only hope I have is that our injured guys come back sooner than later and we just rebuild for the rest of the season. Maybe next year?

  3. I think we just need to get healthy. We started this game better/stronger than others, then the wheels started coming off. We were getting shots on goal just nothing wanted to go in.

    Side note, what’s everyone’s belief on getting Fluery to aid in mentoring Daws.

  4. Absolutely gross. They just deflate at home when they're down. Im no expert but when are they gonna stop the stupid swarm defense? When you have to rely on ppl like holtz to clear the slot, its a problem. Lindy needs to make sysyematic changes or the devils need to change Lindy. This shit clearly aint working.

  5. How are you not going to show up for Sergei Brylin night? Philly beat the Stars and dominated them. This team was in mental breakdown mode. This is the same team that beat Florida last week. This is all coaching. Lindy looked like a deer in headlights on the bench & again took no responsibility at the podium.

  6. Pretty sure that game got some current players traded. Get ready to say goodbye.
    The team is Nico and Jack. Same crap happened when Nico was out for a bit. Injuries and a young defense set this team back a season. It’s hockey, take the good with the bad.

  7. Imagine this game in the 90’s? It would have been a bench clearing brawl. 🙂
    I thought about it around 4 minutes left in the game. Knew it wasn’t going to happen though :/

  8. This was an important night for the organization and the Devils didn’t look like they belonged on the ice. Afterwards, Ruff said he thought his team played “great.” Actual quote……

  9. “Played great” when you give up the 1st 6 goals? Is he seeing the game well? I like Lindy too, but this is rough.

  10. I went to the game as well and the ceremony Was indeed heartfelt. I just wish we didn’t lose like that. Not sure what to say about our ongoing defensive issues and if indeed Ruff’s system is too complex and needs more adjustments.

  11. For any true devils fans that ever thought we had a chance in this game, shame on you. We need to accept what I’ve been saying all year, we need a new coach, new system and restart before we ever become a serious team. Until true fans start understanding the game of hockey and force change in this organization, we aren’t going anywhere.

  12. Devils were lucky to beat BJs on Friday, but since they won all fans were excited thinking they were better.. it’s all a facade. We gave up quality chances to BJs and shots were even. It’s a false hope that everyone keeps falling into. I’ll say it like I’ve said all year. Ruff needs to go. Period. I’m so disappointed in Fitzy right now.

  13. What a way to honor Sarge fellas…16 total back to backs, and with the position we cannot just accept that we're missing out on those last 12 points. I've always thought that the Fire Lindy bandwagon was an overreaction, but between the Holtz situation and him saying the guys played "great" Im starting to lose more and more faith.

  14. This game was as bad as I have ever seen the Devils. First time ever that me and my daughter left the game early in the 3rd Period when it was 5 — 0.

    Just about all of Dallas's goals looked ridiculously easy. This cannot continue. We know how bad Vitek has been this year. The goalie situation is a mess. The "Fire Lindy" chants are back at the stadium. Devils are seriously banged up and lacking experience on defense and of course missing Jack Hughes and Ondřej Palát. Other players gotta step up. And to think that that was the same Dallas Stars team that got beat up by Philly a few nights earlier. Fitzgerald has to do something. The Metro Division will only get more difficult. Torts has the Flyers focused and disciplined and now the Islanders have hired Patrick Roy.

  15. To not got rid of Lindy means the season is lost. Islanders saw the writing on the wall and did what was necessary. Give Greene 8-10 games minimum to see what he can do.

  16. As a Stars fan I can say there is no real shame in losing to us, honestly. We have one of the deepest rosters in the league with every single one having a way it can kill you. So yeah it may suck but this happens man.

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