@Rangers de New York

[Lafreniere]a marqué 7,59 buts de moins que prévu sur la base de ses chances de marquer cette saison, selon Clear Sight Analytics. Seuls trois joueurs de la ligue ont un différentiel de buts attendu plus mauvais. (L’Athlétisme)

[Lafreniere]a marqué 7,59 buts de moins que prévu sur la base de ses chances de marquer cette saison, selon Clear Sight Analytics. Seuls trois joueurs de la ligue ont un différentiel de buts attendu plus mauvais. (L’Athlétisme)



  1. I swear half this sub gets off on negativity

  2. Tacolife973

    Imagine he scored those 8 goals?!??Maybe the Rangers would be in 1st place!

  3. dedos24

    He’s been very unlucky… simple as that

  4. WiFi_Sniper

    Yup he could easily have 20 goals, but other than not finishing he’s been noticeably better. Skates better, is more confident and had some nice chemistry Wi th Bread.

  5. elarobot

    I feel like without anyone saying anything or pointing it out to me, it has looked like he’s been robbed by elite saves on considerably more quality scoring changes than anyone else on the team, to the point where my arm chair analyst dumb ass noticed it.

  6. SilentSaidd

    I mean look at the last game, Laf was in the right spot, shot a nice one timer and the goalie went post to post and robbed him. Similar situations have happened to him all season. I’m not saying it’s all been bad luck or getting goalied. That game in LA he should have lifted the puck and it’s a tie game. An elite finisher does that. I think he’ll get there whether that’s the latter half of this season or next season I think he’ll get there with time.

    I think it’s obvious he wants to improve as well. When we played that game in Montreal they did a whole part about his off-season training and how he cut a lot of weight and focused on skating faster and getting stronger which is VERY visible this season. If he goes into this off-season with the same approach to his shooting and all around finishing he’s gonna be so good next year. He’s putting it together.

    I’d be more worried about Kakko, or maybe less worried if we’re okay with him being a middle 6 guy.

  7. Fast_Cut2644

    Can we remember last year when Tro led the league in posts? It would be nice if they went in sure but seeing Laf in those scoring positions is best we’ve seen him so far.

  8. bobby_booch

    Cool, save the lucky goals for the playoffs.

  9. Direct_Crab6651

    I mean he is playing much much better than he did last year and it is great to see

    The question is will he develop the goal scorers touch to finish these grade A chances in the future or is it just something natural scorers have………. I don’t know the answer to that

  10. Mazzatti1

    Just dropped laf in fantasy for Jake Debrusk, that should tell you where he’s at. The only thing Debrusk was worse in was GWG and Shots.

  11. It’s better to be unlucky than bad. Being this unlucky suggests that an ascent to the mean will be grandiose, and look a lot like how he was production-wise in the first 2 months

    But I swear, some people around here would rather him not get high quality looks *at all*, than continue getting the same high quality looks he’s had all season like he’s currently doing, but just going on a finishing cold streak

    Finishing (and save% for that matter) is the most volatile thing in the league. There are inevitable ups and downs. But when you have an incredibly strong and sustainable ability to generate high danger chances, it makes it very easy to be confident that Lafreniere will end the finishing slump and that his hot streak wasn’t a fluke.

  12. He’s been much better offensively this year, it’s crazy people are saying he hasn’t improved much. A lot of his production has clearly been from playing with Panarin but he can still contribute offensively when he’s with other people and he’s actually able to carry the puck into the zone which has been a huge problem for this team the last few years despite the dinosaurs who seem to think turning over the puck wins games.

    His skating is obviously improved. His top speed this year is almost 1 MPH faster and according to NHL Edge data he already has over 20 more bursts >20 MPH than he had all of last year. He was below 50th percentile in skating last year and is in the mid to high 80th this year. A huge improvement.

    Yes he’s obviously one of the worst defensive players in the league but ignore that for now when looking at his progress lol, he’ll likely improve there too (or sweet Jesus hopefully he will).

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