@Kings de Los Angeles

Sujet d’après-match : Sharks de San Jose vs Kings de Los Angeles – 22 janvier 2024

2023020729 LAK perd, 4 – 3 SO.

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  1. tdbauer97

    They need to start giving the torch to Byfield.

    He’s quickly becoming one of our best forwards. Just a boy becoming a man before our eyes.

  2. SteamnBeaver

    Did this just fucking happen? Wake me from this nightmare

  3. Consistent-Minute-40

    I don’t really understand why people are blaming Todd. I want Todd gone but this game wasn’t his fault. The kings can’t score a goal or make a fucking save in the shootout and the players can’t score in regulation or OT. Firing Todd won’t change anything unless they fire Blake and Robitaille first.

  4. Thumper13

    I’m generally overly positive to the annoyance of some. I’m trying to not let frustration get to me….BUT…I wish my head was the pipe Rittich crushed his stick on. I could forget this game. I fucking hate losing to the sharks.

  5. dlrdweller

    wtf is happening to this team?? is it a mental thing? a leadership thing? a coaching thing? it’s so embarrassing to lose to the Sharks 🤡

    I really thought the Kings would continue the momentum from the Rangers game. I mean they did start off with good momentum tonight but clearly it wasn’t enough. I really hope they can turn it around ASAP.

  6. RoyalBassGrab

    fucking do something with the lines this time Todd! holy shit, not having roy hurt something fierce… god damn, just give us something, move kopi to 2nd so he’s not getting tired as easily, let dubois center with fiala and kempe, stop putting kaliyev in the dog house for no fuckin reason, CONSISTENTLY WORK THE FULL 60!

  7. sashachenko

    Todd defenders are the worst no cap

  8. gib_pie

    Don’t even know what to say anymore. The bottom fell out of this season so fast and so completely.

  9. Cagekicker52


    Fucking pathetic. What was that 46 pathetic shots bouncing off goalies pads?

    Kopitar is fucking toast in OT, I don’t want to see him in fucking OT. Doughty is fucking toast in OT. Not enough skill too fucking old, both of them!!! 3v3 is all skill and speed. 3 years ago yes for Kopi and doughty. Not anymore..

    Why does danualt wear an A after one season on this team? He’s a bottom six forward I’m fucking tired of hearing about danualt like he’s a skill forward. Hes a clutch defensive forward period. . Hell danult should be moved to LD. Why is he in OT like he’s a skill player?? Why is he even playing top six?? Dude is barely doing jack shit this year

    Why is Clarke out there playing elite defense and saving a goal essentially and getting yanked. Clarke is silk out there AND playing defense. Dude needs to play every fucking night I’m tired of it.

    Put all the best fucking skill players on the ice in OT is what stupid ass Todd needs to do.

    Todd either needs to be FIRED or someone needs to get in his ear and MAKE him to do what needs to be done for a bit until this team can start winning again. I’m fucking tired of it. Fucking pathetic. And what was that pathetic effort on the shootout??? Is it a Todd rule that they have to roll up and shoot the lamest most uninspired shot ever??? My goodness. Guys who can only bounce pucks off pads in 5v5 trying to snipe it through a crack the size of a cunt hair is fucking madness.

    Why the fuck we let the bitch ass sharks wear their home threads in our barn???? What kind of cuck shit is that? No wonder that was so pathetic.

  10. Jolly-Fun-4855

    Those shootout attempts were dead in the water when Moore and Adrian got halfway in, they looked for their ‘go to’ moves and when they didn’t see them open just lofted a lame duck attempt into kahkonen…

    Also, Kappo played great, but we lost that game in the 1st period when we couldn’t score on a multitude of good chances, something that seems to plague us 🙄 …sigh* gkg…

  11. flackguns

    every so often two shit teams get together and one of em’s gotta win I guess

  12. Bambam489

    At this point I just expect them to lose before the game happens.

  13. Cagekicker52


  14. notalegalusername

    It’s over guys. That locker room is shot. I’m shot and I’m not even on the team. Good luck Todd.

  15. Edmuresay

    Shootouts suck. Always have. Horrible way to end what was actually a fun game.

    I think the book is out on how to attack this 1-3-1. Seeing similar attack patterns from teams, especially the far corner dump. It’s been very effective at starting cycles and setting up extended O zone shifts for opposing teams.

    If the lowly sharks had success with it, Edmonton and Vancouver will feast on it, I fear.

  16. Oh the bot decided to show up after all that’s nice


  17. So they tie it in the third and I say to my wife, « I am gonna be so mad when they lose this in the shootout. »


  18. gaurkingsgaur

    How much hope can a man give up nightly? At what point do I stop expecting results and start viewing this season as a joke?

  19. darkslug

    This team is trying my resolve this year. Ffs this sucks.

  20. robotscantsurf

    was at the game…wanted to leave at 2-0 said if they dont score before the end of the period it is time to go. they scored. then they scored again only to give up a goal what seemed like immediately… when they tied it, i think i was the only person that wasnt happy about it. they shouldnt have been down to the sharks at any point in this game… my take away, teams arent scared of this team. they know that if they keep it close the goaltending will give it up at the wrong time(i think that the kings know this too)… Also Clarke was going, but yet he wasnt on PP2… I think if there is a good replacement, it is time for Todd to go, he writes in permanent ink, not flexible enough systems or lineup wise.

  21. dandudeguy

    It’s been a miserable time as a season ticket holder. Even when the team was playing well at the start they still were losing most home games.

    They’ve won 8 games at home this entire season. 8. And 5 overtime losses.

    The entire arena feels fucking defeated.

  22. RetardThePirate

    Fuckin called it. Didn’t even bother to watch.

    Just Kings things

  23. Expendable_0

    It is so frustrating to have so many « should haves » only to lose a goal in one of the few lapses.

    Fiala was awesome. I loved how he played with Clark. If Kempe could get his shot back, these would have been very different games. So many missed nets from him on nice setups.

  24. ShadowChair

    Byfield was great, Fiala was great, Clarke made some really nice moves and showed his potential. Moore showed his great shot again and Doughty somehow scored a last minute slapshot to tie the game AGAIN.

    Yet somehow we lost anyway because our defense made a ton of mistakes and Rittich was not particularly good. Kopitar and Kempe continue to do nothing, at least 5 on 5. Dubois has yet to have a consistent stretch of good play. Shootouts are a joke at this point with how pathetic we are, and overtime watching Kopitar/Kempe/Doughty skate in circles doing nothing is painful.

    I am glad we had Spence and Clarke playing in the same game, but Todd seriously needs to break up Kopitar and Kempe now. Kopitar is not playing anywhere near well enough to warrant the TOI he has. Just try something weird like Byfield-Dubois-Kempe and Laff-Kopi-Fagemo/JAD/Kaliyev. The first line has been dormant for way, way too long. I don’t care if Dubois isn’t performing well either, he’s doing more (offensively) than Kopitar is. Might as well try.

  25. henreiman

    Couldn’t watch. Too late for this east coaster. Looks like it was a combo of underscoring relative to xGF (again) and not great goaltending (was eventually going to happen). And Dubois had a rough game. That right?

    Ah I’m reading our sub now and it’s full blown Todd needs to go and actually some PL support. That’s refreshing

  26. PossibilityInitial10

    Flames are going to pass us.

  27. EinsamWulf

    Man this season has been so weird. We had such a great start and now it just feels like we cannot win a game to save our lives.

  28. EmpireMind

    This is not a serious team. Fire Tod change up the lines.

  29. the_last_third

    I don’t believe anyone on here really knows what is going on with this team behind the scenes. Such an strange turn of events from a team that was just killing it to one that is getting killed.

    I am not a kneejerk « fire the coach » kind of fan, but this cannot go on and there aren’t really many more meaningful roster moves possible and none of the line juggling is having any positive impact.

    My bet is the TM makes to the All Star break and then the organization makes HC change. Gives some time for the new coach and players to get acquainted and we see where we go from there.

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