@Flames de Calgary

Dans le mixeur en ligne, nous allons

Nous avons vu Huby et Kadri ensemble. Je n’étais pas fan. Les appariements D sont plus beaux. Pensées?



  1. hfxbycgy

    The Duehr, schwindt klapka line should be highly motivated. I’m excited for that energy. We have a setup man on the top two line, plus guys who are scoring consistently. That Backlund line needs no comment.

    I’d prob be doing something similar if I was Huska.

  2. femmemmah

    I really felt like Huby and Sharky were doing well together, so I’m bummed to see them split up.

  3. Chemical_Signal2753

    I honestly thought Coronato has been playing well but didn’t seem to fit with Kadri and Zary. It makes sense to try him on another line.

  4. yeastneast

    It will be interesting to see the top 6 winger combos.

    Huby and Zary with Zary on his offside. If those two have chemistry that’s a good thing long-term. Same with Sharangovich and Coronato.

    Those are the four wingers in the org that project to be here the longest, along with Pelletier (and Honzek if you don’t seem him at C long-term). Could be our top 6 wingers for a while, lets hope they work out.

  5. Petzl89

    I’d put Huby back with Backlund. Mangi hasn’t done anything on that line to warrant needing to stay. Kadri and Huby do not play well together.

  6. Unfit2play

    If this means losing to Chicago and getting passed by Buffalo, Montreal, and Minnesota then I’m all for it.

    Warm up the lottery balls!

  7. Alarmed-dictator

    I really want to see Hubs and Coronato Line

  8. Comfortable-Ad-7158

    Hubey and kadri together because him and lindy haven’t worked together and your not breaking up the bread line.

  9. Hutch25

    It’s quite interesting they chose to put Huberdeau on a line with 2 players who are not shooters.

    I feel Coronato would be a better fit as the shooter in that line than Zary.

  10. mackharp0818

    I’m fine if we start losing a lot now. Never said that in my life before, but it’s time to start looking down the road. Last thing we need is a 2-3 game win streak and the false hope it will bring

  11. VegitoFusion

    What’s the deal with Pelletier? Why hasn’t he been activated yet?

  12. Cautious-Weakness-54

    Huh. Forward lines in a blender never hurts, but damn wish Kylington back I like our top 6

  13. hailmaryishere

    Our right wingers combine for 568 career NHL games played, not counting playoffs.

    Blake Coleman accounts for 512 of those games.

  14. TechnicalPyro

    NGL i kinda like those D pairings

  15. deltajulietbravo

    Kylington and weegar could be alot of goals on one pairing.

  16. Paulhockey77

    What the hell man why split up the 2nd line? Also huby and sharky didn’t look bad together

  17. FinkBass420

    I actually quite like this lineup, hope they play well tonight

  18. MonkeySailor

    Well those are certainly lines.

    At least Oesterle is out. Guessing they’re tired of tanking.

    And Zary on right wing is weird. Should switch Sharangovich and Zary

  19. JRP_964

    Weeger third pairing seems like an insult and slap to the face

  20. kakarikoresident

    Huberdeau not suspended? I thought he would be but I just never checked.

  21. cowseer

    Finally we have our D fully assembled but i’m not sure what to think of the forward lines, i mean kadri has been a lot better than lindholm this season and huberdeau is finally looking decent so maybe this can work?

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