@Panthers de la Floride

Jack McBain contre Ryan Lomberg 24 janvier 2024

Jack McBain contre Ryan Lomberg des Coyotes de l’Arizona lors du match des Panthers de la Floride le 24 janvier 2024. via https://www.hockeyfights.com


  1. Panthers are scum
    Gadjovich is great tho
    The rest of that team is a bunch of dirty cheap shot d bags
    I’m not Coyotesn fan

  2. I love how at the beginning of the video the Panthers’ announcer didn’t mention that the reason Zucker boarded Cousins was because of Cousins’ dirty hit on Juuso Välimäki

  3. what homer fucking announcing is this. nick cousins being "taken advantage of"? in what universe? did they clone jack edwards 40 years ago when he was still relevant just so he could announce for the shitholes?

  4. This is the only way to keep players from seriously hurting each other in game, There always has to be consequences for dirty questionable hits.

  5. How's ur team go on a run to the cup finals last year and still no one shows up to watch a game ….love watching Florida get a taste of their own medicine

  6. Funny how nobody mentions that POS Cousins using his elbow to ram a guy's head – who's on his knees in front of the boards – straight into the boards in typical Cousins fashion. He's a piece is sh*t. Cousins is PUSHED into the boards by Zucker and goes down like he was hit with a howitzer.

  7. Where are the fans. Lol isn’t that salary cap just wonderful lol. Propping up teams like this

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