@Devils du New Jersey

A quoi pensons-nous ? Que seul l’ancien joueur de la LNH, Alex Formenton, a été inculpé après s’être rendu aux autorités canadiennes dans le cadre d’une enquête sur une agression sexuelle présumée par plusieurs membres de l’équipe canadienne du mondial junior 2018.

https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/sports/national/story/2024-01-28/former-nhl-player-alex-formenton-has-been-charged-by-police-in-canada-his-lawyer- dit : Les autres seront-ils facturés plus tard ? Ou s’agit-il au mieux de simples témoins matériels ?



  1. Glum-Professional925

    I’m thinking “God I hope Jack is back in time for the stadium series game”

  2. They’ll probably get charged as they continue to arrive. My guess is the others just haven’t physically gotten there yet.

    Material witnesses don’t surrender to police. People gettin charged and arrested do

  3. nsfwITGUY19

    We really have no idea right now. They said they’ll be doing a press conference on Feb 5 I believe. Until then we have no info.

    I’m holding out hope that our guys are innocent and are just “persons of interest” but that’s just me being naive.

    All we can do is wait and see how it plays out. Honestly, we need to move on and focus on our team. And let the legal system handle that situation.

  4. LionHeart_1990

    OP needs to watch the investigation video and realize McLeod and the others are in a shit ton of trouble and will probably never play in the NHL again


    5 players were being investigated for criminal conduct last year by London police. 5 players just took a leave of absence after London police confirmed they will be charging 5 players. Connect the dots…

  5. MrGnarVar

    Judging by the fact the LPD said they would have a press conference on Feb. 5th, my guess is they have untill the end of this week to surrender to the police. They will all be charged though, Fomenton is mostly likely the first of the 5 to surrender to LPD.

  6. No-Mathematician3004

    My conjecture and opinions:

        -if they were only called as material witnesses they wouldn’t have needed to take leaves of absence 

    -at best they all witnessed a sexual assault and didn’t report it. at worst they participated to some degree

    -if they participated or failed to report got away with it for nearly 7 years and enjoyed the personal and financial rewards of playing in the nhl (and they should be thanking everyone who makes that possible) 

    -nhl brass knew all of this and signed them anyway  

    -their teammates and fans get screwed because the nhl chose greed over decency 

    -alcohol and age excuse nothing.  most guys don’t turn into sex offenders when they get drunk 

  7. postalblowfish26

    To the people who are still white knighting for these guys: What do you suppose the best case scenario is for mcleod/foote? Best case is they were present but didn’t participate, which still makes them complicit in a fucking gang rape.

    To quote the interviewer in the doc: « Whether it was 5 guys or 8 guys or 12 guys, there wasn’t somebody from … Canadian Junior hockey who says ‘No, we’re not doing this…’…how could one of these people not say no »

    At minimum they’re finished in the NHL. Good Riddance.

  8. Mr7three2

    Interesting the charges haven’t been made public

  9. rjlud02

    I’m thinking Mikey is going into that « what could’ve been » bucket and will be largely forgotten by most Dev fans.

  10. xGetSweatyx

    There’s nothing to think about. News will come out when it comes out. McLeod, whether found innocent or guilty will likely never put a Devil’s sweater on again.

  11. DiablosdeNuevaJersey

    The only shot McLeod ever has to play in the NHL is if the victim singled him out in court and said that she had never seen that man before .

    That isn’t happening. So regardless of the verdict, he is done.

  12. gothenburgpig

    Bro, McLeod isn’t coming back. No point in posting every development in this story as its own post. He’s not a Devil anymore.

  13. Kornja81

    If he’s truly guilty, fuck him and I hope he rots. Until then he’s innocent imo (that’s how I was taught in criminal justice).

  14. Grimmer097

    They’ve already been convicted in the court of public opinion. Their names and careers are mud, short of the victim going on record saying she made it all up

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