@Kings de Los Angeles

Sujet d’après-match : Kings de Los Angeles contre St Louis Blues – 28 janvier 2024

2023020773 LAK perd, 3 – 4 OT.

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  1. gaurkingsgaur

    So Todd’s here for the Nashville loss and then he’s gone right?

  2. aScriptFromNowhere

    This team needs a coach firing in addition to one big trade so these self-interested guys wake up and realize they could be shipped off to some crappy city in the middle of nowhere.

  3. Edmuresay

    essentially spent 14 minutes on the pk in this one. only one they scored on was the one we scored a shorty on. absolutely snakebit team on top of countless issues.

    dubois was a complete liability. turcotte came in a won more board battles in two periods than dubois has in the last 2 weeks. i really liked that trade at the time, but it’s turning into an unmitigated disaster. dude can’t make a routine hockey play right now. go kings

  4. MajorPucks

    If the Coyotes make the playoffs and we don’t…. this whole organization better get gutted

  5. twizzyflyguy

    Man I was watching the Ravens game and didn’t watch but man another OT Loss..

  6. MediumRareSteak18

    Every loss after our 10th is on Blake and Luc. At this point the fire Todd train is overblown. He even knows he should be gone, honestly not his fault he’s still here.

  7. ShadowChair

    Turcotte looked alright, I preferred him to Lewis at 4C. JAD scored finally. Kopitar started off red hot and should’ve had 3 points in the 1st period if our team was capable of scoring.

    Grundstrom is invisible, Dubois was noticeably bad today with the puck (honestly hustled a bit more than usual without it at least), Kempe scored but missed an unbelievably free goal after and looked invisible after once again. Lots of bad passes in any zone on the ice. Goaltending is really just not very good, but even still it has been easily good enough to win more than 2 games in the last 16.

    Just feels like day after day nothing really changes. We start off games looking good and seeing some positive changes, and as it goes on it just devolves right back into more of the same. It really feels like no matter what happens in Nashville, barring a 10-0 win, Todd won’t be coming back. If he does then I am not very faithful in a return to form.

  8. sashachenko

    How did Turc play guys? Only tuned in for the 3rd. Dad duties

  9. Cagekicker52


    Game #4

  10. kiwirish

    Kings lose to St Louis

    Ravens losing to Kansas City at the half

    I’m about ready to declare war on Missouri

  11. SupremeGCx

    Todd’s been needing to go. But at this point Blakes inability to either fire Todd or get him to make real drastic changes is on the chopping block as well. Hell Luc has got to go too. What a disaster this has turned into.

  12. TheGBakes

    I’m shocked how this season went from record breaking to heart breaking in 16-ish games. Disgusting

  13. Sirtopofhat

    Me: Oh fuck the Kings games

    *turns on*

    *Blues score*

    *switches to football game*

  14. Juturna_

    I don’t even know what to say at this point. It’s almost funny like why waste energy being upset.

    They fell off a cliff so fast. They absolutely had me fooled at the beginning of the year. I thought they were legit. Shows what I know.

    I just want to know what went wrong and why. PLD? Todd? Locker room divide? feels more like a team thing as a whole but I don’t know.

    Regardless, I’m on the fire Todd wagon. Officially. I hate that it’s come to that. But goddamn something needs to give.

  15. the_jimmie_dimmick

    Todd should be scratched for the next game and designate Drew coach against Nashville.

  16. replicantcase

    The tone of this postgame is depressing.

  17. seabass4507

    Would the Kings have won if Kempe could have buried that wide open goal?

    Seems like they were committed to just enough mistakes to lose by one.

  18. Ilistenedtomyfriends

    Should have played Turcotte more

  19. -1967Falcon

    Winning or losing- I’m a King for life.

  20. Rhetorical question, but seriously how did it go so wrong for this team so badly? My only guess is that if someone’s losing their job, that it’s gonna be during the All Star Break, and that’s why there’s this weird holdout with the staff still retaining their positions. If I’m wrong though, good lord, this team will likely not make it to April.

  21. johannesBrost1337

    Who even gives a shit anymore. It was obvious weeks ago and nothing changed. At this point it’s basically too late for any change to make enough impact on the outcome of the season. The whole reason to fire Todd after 5 straight L’s is to show the team what is expected of them. We lost that chance now since it’s apparently acceptable to just drop an entire month. Yikes

  22. MosesDoughty

    The Kings are at the point where you need to clear house and admit that the rebuild failed because of the nonsensical rushing of it, and redo it

  23. Plastic-Area-5655

    At this point, I’d say fuck this season away and shoot for a lottery pick, but, if Blake’s still in town he’ll find a way to fuck that up too I’m sure.

  24. greygh0st44

    Six penalties = a free gift to the Blues of 12 mins on our heels, killing any built momentum.


  25. Cagekicker52

    It’s better we didn’t come out and play lights out for a convincing win that could potentially save Todd’s job. Once he’s fired and gone this team can turn things around. We’ll get a different quote from DD after that point I guarantee it.

    The selfish play thing was a misdirect. Professionalism. Respect for the boss. Todd didn’t fall on his sword to save face, he was dead honest, he told us exactly what’s wrong without spelling it out. « I’m responsible, it’s my fault » in this case translates directly to « I don’t have anything left for these guys, my system, message, ideas, are completely shot. The team doesn’t believe in it anymore and in this case they’re right, I’m responsible »

    This season is salvageable if we fire Todd as soon as we can, bring someone in and use the break to acclimate to how things are going to be going forward. This team has the fight, they just need a new vision, new direction. And that has to include adjusting these lines and minutes on the ice.

  26. Hockeyruinedmylife

    This team makes me sad to watch now and I miss the good times.

  27. ahr3410

    We have played 12 OT games and our only goal is from a Doughty one timer. This team is disgraceful

  28. Ill-Leadership-3737

    Why did Todd have Gavy on the ice at 1.04 of OT? There’re 4 other Defensemen with better offensive numbers and can skate as well or better.  What was Gavy thinking? 6 penalties? Over half a period killing. Is this on Todd or his players need to wake up and start playing hockey?

  29. Fiala has been awful recently, you’d think he’d take to heart what Doughty said in his post game scrum but apparently not. You simply cannot win a cup with your best offensive player being a liability more often than not. Fiala is not someone to build a team around, he’s more like the last piece of the puzzle for a contending team.

  30. may_or_may_not_haiku

    2 wins in 16 games and Todd isn’t immediately fired.

    I wish I could be this bad at my job for this long and keep it.

  31. Flinto762

    I’ll take a point, early game on a Sunday morning pacific standard time

  32. F-Cloud

    I became a Kings fan back in 1990 and I’ve stuck with them even through some awful seasons. But this is honestly the most disappointed I have ever felt. This team had so much promise. They were so exciting to watch! Now they’re letting everyone down, including themselves, and it’s pathetic to see. A couple of months ago I thought this team could make it past Edmonton in the playoffs, but now? Do I even DARE watch them take on Edmonton on Feb. 10? Am I that much of a masochist?

  33. Ashamed_Anywhere_877

    Maybe Todd is allowing a reverse sweep on the season 🤔

  34. Isabella5322

    The Rangers must be feeling pretty foolish right around now.

  35. TheGBakes

    I have the sickening feeling… nothing will change.

  36. alxndiep

    My therapist said always focus on the positives…

    so I guess… it was an OT loss?

  37. PossibilityInitial10

    Trying to remember the last time an NHL team got so hot early in the early season and then went on a month and a half slump. Can’t think of any.

  38. Plastic-Area-5655

    Call now and reserve your ’24-25 L.A King’s season tickets…operators are standing by.

  39. LilBozo

    Saw the blues were underdogs today, fired off the bet. At least if I’m going to be upset I still won some money. Wish I started this strategy a month ago. 

  40. darkslug

    I wasnt necessarily on the clean house train (beyond firing Todd) but Rob Blake is clearly not cut out for this. The team’s confidence is now so damaged I’m not sure a new coach will matter.  Rob flushed any chance we had with that press conference backing Todd, after it was clear the team was cooked.  He needs to go too.

  41. Stolthet24

    Looks like going after the more speedy skilled players and dumping the grinding big defensive players isn’t the best path to a successful team…

  42. MHoggs17

    Guys, we are witnessing a historic season. Never before have we seen such high expectations followed by absolute dog poop. With management sitting on their hands, you’re about to witness the complete overhaul of the franchise when Blake, Todd, Luc, and Bergevin get canned in the offseason. Maybe this team will then be run by a competent group of folks. Bonus points when fans are left shocked as Fiala gets traded out of left field. Historic, my friends. Historic.

  43. TheLuckyWilbury

    I always hated the dead space around the All-Star break. Now I’m looking forward to it.

  44. Michaelscottlaptop

    My Kings brethren, what a wild season so far. Let’s hope ownership cleans house and we can at least have a respectable finish to this season. I had such high hopes at the start and the Kings went Kongs and crushed my spirits. The effort levels are despicable. The coaching is dumb as fuck. The fact that management has let this go on so long tells me everything. Don’t even know where we go from here because we should’ve been cup contenders this year. The problem has been depth and obviously the 3rd and 4th lines. I believe this is something a new coach can correct. They were doing something at the beginning of the year and all of a sudden they just hit the wall. Bring on Berube or Gallant. This team needs to get tougher and more physical. They need someone to also hold them more accountable when they fuck up. It seems like ever since Todd benched Fiala for his stupid pass a month ago he hasn’t held anyone accountable since. Fiala has made countless mistakes. Dumb penalties all game long during this losing streak but yet nothing happens. Two months left in order to not throw this season away.

  45. flamingdragonwizard

    Oilers took the Kings MOJO.

  46. sweetleaf009

    I cant with this team. We were starting to be a perennial playoff team!

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