@Flames de Calgary

Des sources confirment que des joueurs de la LNH font face à des accusations dans le cadre d’une enquête pour agression sexuelle

Des sources confirment que des joueurs de la LNH font face à des accusations dans le cadre d’une enquête pour agression sexuelle



  1. super6646

    Surprises no one but the most hopeful fans who were frankly trying to convince themselves against the overwhelming evidence in front of them. Can’t say I blame them, but here we are.

    Sad to see nevertheless.

  2. KodakisWhite

    Extremely disappointed at the flames organization for proclaiming mental health

  3. robochobo

    Honestly this just further shows how much Seravelli has no clue what he’s talking about. Can’t wait to see how he’ll back track from his previous statements

  4. super6646

    The PR statement by the Flames continues to baffle and disappoint me. Even if you want to say that Dube was having a crisis at that point, why not simple say he’s on leave and refuse any additional comment? You have to be naive to believe that no one in the organization knew what was coming.

    Now anytime a player has mental health leave in the future, the speculation machine is going to be rampant. Good going Flames.

  5. Comfortable-Ad-7158

    Conny got some explaining to do to both the fans and Brian Mcgratten. Dude tried so hard to get a mental health program instated here.

    I know once an employee says it’s mental health problems the employer isn’t allowed to further press but still. I’d be livid if I were kylington

  6. Nice-End-4742

    Assuming the org didnt know anything, Dube is a pos for claiming mental health leave. big middle finger to the whole organization, especially after the kylington saga.

    If the org did know, then thats even worse.

  7. Iphone4Lyfe

    What a disgrace to the Flames organization for calling this a mental health issue.

  8. Wooden_Proposal_1615

    Dube was the captain!!! Like wtf Dube, no wonder he’s been playing like shit! They all deserve everything they get

  9. Lizard798658866

    Looks really bad after the Kylington situation. Wow.

  10. I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt until names were public.

    This sucks dude. So many people failed on different levels to properly manage this situation and worst of all it looks like the Flames circled their wagons around a sex offender.

    I hope Dube never plays again, but I also hope that he gets the help he needs, *if* he truly is experiencing mental health problems. Self-harm/suicide is not justice for what he did, and anyone wishing that on him is no better.

    I want Hockey Canada to burn. These guys were not the first and unlikely to be the last to victimize innocent people. They’ve lost my trust and ruined the integrity of the game.

  11. natefrost12

    I hope the Flames make a statement about their initial statement. I also hope Dube never plays another game in the NHL

  12. Very disappointed in this organization, especially after the Kylington mental health struggles to put Dube as a “mental health leave”. 

  13. At least we get rid of his absolute disaster of a contract. Piece of shit.

  14. Boodogs

    In a hypothetical situation, Dube might’ve thought about killing himself. Which would be consistent with the team stating he was on mental health leave in the care of medical professionals and consistent with him facing the music for being a rapist.

  15. MisfitFlame

    If the flames don’t make a statement about this soon, seriously considering taking a break from the team/sport. The on-ice product is a joke and now the off-ice product is using mental health as a coverup for being a rapist.

  16. ReactiveCypress

    The team is definitely going to have to explain what happened. I can’t actually believe Dube was stupid enough to try and use mental health as an excuse to cover this up, because the truth was going to be revealed no matter what.

  17. TurnCalmTheVolume

    If guilty, they need to repay the $3.55M hockey canada doled out b

  18. Tone deaf response, they can play the we didn’t know card till they’re blue in the face and it won’t help

  19. Monahan88

    I think Andersson’s comments are the most interesting part of all this. Basically implying that Dube was getting attacked on social media (for bad play or, you know, being a piece of shit). Makes you wonder what he told his teammates as well

  20. foursights

    Wonder if the team will be forced to surrender some sort of money/asset for announcing his leave the way they did, they had to have known there was a chance he was going to be announced in the list, why take that risk? Could’ve just said personal leave of absence

  21. MonkeySailor

    Flames look like idiots for letting Dube dictate the message. They’ll need to answer for it.

    Pretty disappointing that Dube was involved. Only silver lining is that his contracts was ending anyway and Flames can easily walk away from it.

  22. marlboro__man9

    Dube citing mental health to save himself what, two days of scrutiny? Looks extra scummy

  23. Motor_Signal_413

    Man, that’s disappointing as fuck from the org to cite it as mental health. People should be fired over this.

  24. Barabarabbit

    Dube should be punted for trying to use “mental health” as an excuse here

    Absolutely disgusting to do something like that. Could have just went on “personal leave” and left it at that

  25. JayLady2002

    Fuck you Dube. Hope you never play another NHL game

  26. DavidssonA

    What fucking idiots. I really somehow wanted to believe Dube was the witness. Based on everything that was happening and everything said…
    Dont ask dont tell…

  27. TGIRiley

    The mental health excuse is abhorrent.

    I’m also pissed off the flames knew for how long? and let us all continue to cheer for a rapist, and make money selling us jerseys with a rapists name on it.

    Yea the skeptics will say « maybe they didn’t know, guilty until proven innocent »… sure, but I think pretty much every GM in the league knew exactly who was involved. Look at how Ottawa handled it. Tampa traded Foote, Vancouver passed on him even though his dad is their coach. Flyers desperately trying to move hart over the summer.

    I dont buy it for a second the flames didn’t know exactly the involvement, and if they didn’t, they are one of the most incompetent management and owner groups in the NHL.

  28. Hugh_jazz_420420

    When I watched the doc that was posted a while ago, the part that stuck out to me was the Nike exec sending em home with the player. Who is a Nike exec sending a girl home with? Most likely the captain. Could be wrong but that part to me really implemented dube.

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