@Red Wings de Détroit

Daniella Bruce – Kane absent demain contre les Sens

Daniella Bruce – Kane absent demain contre les Sens



  1. Kkleinsorge

    I’m glad, why risk getting gooned against those shitbags. Fully rested Kaner is gonna come back on a heater after the break 🔥

  2. Enough-Ad-3111

    What’s with the long break after the All Star Weekend?

  3. LowOnPaint

    At this point I’m getting a bad feeling. They keep insisting it’s not his hip but also won’t tell anyone what the problem is and it’s been weeks.

  4. alex99999999999

    Not mad, especially cause of who we are playing. Could easily see those goons going after him

  5. janx218

    Honestly kind of relieved. I’m sure the extended break will do nothing but good for him, and hopefully he will come back rested and ready to play some freaking hockey.

  6. MaxAnita

    Good. You just know one of those shit heads would take a cheap shot on him

  7. uknownick

    Lalonde said Kane was getting ready for Wednesday but it all depends on how the practices go, and also they were considering giving him more time to rest and having him return after the break

  8. whatsyanamejack

    Probably for the best. You know damn well some of those goons would target him.


    Edit: Realizing everyone is having the same thoughts as me when referring to those « goons » lol.

  9. AaronRodgersInjury

    This is a good thing. No need to bring him back for one game against Ottawa who will likely be out to head hunt and the team is already on a roll chemistry wise.

  10. CaptainCastle1

    A fully healthy Kaner after the break? With the boys on a heater? Sign me up

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