@Oilers d'Edmonton

Les Oilers ont besoin de « six derniers plus forts » pour avoir de meilleures chances de participer aux séries éliminatoires

Le directeur du dépistage de TSN, Craig Button, et l’analyste de TSN Hockey, Mike Johnson, se joignent à SC avec Jay Onrait pour discuter des mouvements que les Oilers devraient faire avant la date limite, du type de retour que le gardien de but des Flames Jacob Markström pourrait obtenir et de ce que les sénateurs pourraient faire avant la date limite.


  1. Oilers need a top 6 forward… Senseless discussion here. They need to stay in a roster defending the dangerous slots, getting as less as possible goals. And then maybe they could have another offenseman too, nut you forgot that they already have the two best offensive player you can get. And also others are strong with them in the lineup, McLeod, Foegele, Hymen Kane and Nuge – land nowhere with Perry they have a player who was ist this hole career in the top line. Thinking there is no quality and no depth in the Oiler offense is just stupid! You can get all your money in talented offensemen like the maple leafs does. But then you win nothing at the end.

  2. I mean Oilers already improved their bottom six by adding Perry.. I think Fluery would be a perfect addition come playoffs

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