@Maple Leafs de Toronto

C’est devenu tellement stupide

Suivez Peak Sports : https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61554786381302 Nous parlerons des hommages vidéo de la LNH, tout en couvrant également le match des Maple Leafs de Toronto et des Islanders de New York dans la vidéo de hockey de la LNH d’aujourd’hui !


  1. Nah, it’s cool to acknowledge former players during a commercial break. Doesn’t do a shred of harm. Hell, broadcasters could even replay it during the intermission and have something of more note than betting odds between all the ads.

  2. Similar occurrence happened in the NBA recently. Kevin Durant was returning the the Barclays Center to play his former team and made it clear that he did not want the Nets to play a tribute video for him.

  3. I didnt see a video tribute anywhere here? Just a graphic and 5 seconds of screen time during a commercial break. People are acting as if it he got a 15 minute tribute and ceremony before the game with his number lifted to the rafters lol

  4. The only reason Engvall was traded was so the disaster know as Dubas could get a third rounder so he could trade a first, second, third and fourth for ROR and Accarli. Would be have been happy if Engvall was still a Leaf. He's made a nice career for himself a former 7th rounder.

  5. When I saw the title of your video I just assumed you were going to talk about how dumb it is that people are losing their shit over Kucherov not caring about a waste of time all star weekend. Or maybe you were going to talk about how the whole all star weekend is dumb for just being one big Steve Buscemi "fellow kids" meme because that's exactly like what it is. An event put on by old men who can't figure out what young people, or anyone under 50 actually want to see. Let's get Bieber for "the kids" and Michael Buble because who middle-aged people listen to, right? At least Buble made things entertaining by saying he was on mushrooms.

  6. I’m personally fine with the tributes to any player. Beauvillier coming home for the first time after being traded to the Canucks was a beautiful moment.

  7. Agreed, I was so happy to see PE gone! he hung around far too long and Keefe thought he was the best UGH silly tribute as he is NOT Missed and not really a fav to fans.

  8. How does the out of the box goal keep happening? I learned in Pee Wees that at 5 seconds left in the penalty, a D-man backs out of the O-zone to cover the emerging player. This is unacceptable at the NHL level.

  9. 4 seasons with the leafs and a few with the Marlies. 6-7 seasons with an organization deserves it.

  10. If you put as much time into your research as you did on this video you'd know it was a simple welcome back graphic and why he was deserving of it.

  11. Am I the only person who genuinely doesn’t understand the hate for this? Like who cares, guy played for your org for a few years then left and you give him a quick shoutout to show appreciation. It’s not like their stopping the game half way through and bringing out the fucking gm and president to talk about how important Engvall is. It’s a giant nothing burger and I don’t know why people care, go touch grass or something their are far bigger things to complain about then this

  12. Well…when you haven't won a cup since before the moon landing and only make the playoffs every once in a while you have to celebrate SOMETHING I guess.

  13. I get what you’re saying, but I’m not gonna hate on an organization recognizing someone for 4 years of work

  14. Honestly, I'm not a fan of those videos. I mean i like a good highlight video as much as the next guy. However, once someone gets traded their allegiance is to a different team. They are now the enemy. Don't show me how good he was on my team, that's in the past. Wait til he retires then show the video.

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