@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Tavares ressemblait au gars que les Leafs « ont besoin de lui » lors de la défaite contre les Isles

Le directeur du dépistage de TSN, Craig Button, et l’analyste de TSN Hockey, Mike Johnson, se joignent à SC avec Jay Onrait pour discuter de la défaite des Maple Leafs contre les Islanders, si John Tavares change la donne et de ce que Toronto devrait faire avant la date limite des échanges.


  1. Hiring Bieber as the new coach and micro dosing mushrooms are the keys to success in the stretch run.

  2. There’s still a lot of games left. The so called juice is gonna disappear. Trade him get some reasonably good D. Think outside the box a bit. Nuts? Maybe. Don’t care cause I’m not a leafs fan!

  3. Would it be a hyperbole to say that the Leafs are highly likely to miss play-offs?

  4. C’mon you guys, aren’t you seeing CLEARLY what is wrong with the makeup of this team. Top heavy with a weak defensive core. Now is NOT THE TIME TO TRADE the future away as they’ve done ever since they put Dumbass in charge. Shanahan has dropped the ball ever since the day he was hired. Matthews was a no-brainer, but offering Mitch a HUGE number, bringing in Tavares and now OVERPAYING for Willy AND NOT signing any solid ‘D’. Again IF they just can’t get top flight ‘D’ to sign in T.O. then I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt but otherwise it’s just MISTAKE AFTER MISTAKE. Management continues to get a failing grade for icing the wrong type of playoff team…

  5. If you want the Leafs to lose often to non playoff teams – JT did enough. But an $11Million forward has to do more than tip a shot for a goal. Nylander (another $11 Million over paid Leaf forward without playoff success) just watched the Islanders score their 3rd game winning goal. If the Leafs want to win – using discarded $3.5 Million goalies – then Leaf Executives and fans need to hold the four $11 Million forwards accountable as they have been paid to lead the Leafs to team success – namely playoff runs. Losing ground to non playoff teams isn’t enough right now.😀

  6. You're kidding right – JT worst signing in Leaf history. He got a nice crosscheck in the back at the end of the game, so will be even slower now. And look at their soft defensive play – this team is really bad other than Auston, Mitch and Willy. But not playoff material at all.

  7. Yes, John Tavares works hard and he often comes out of scrums along the boards with the puck – but he's also overpaid by about $3 million a year… Same goes for Marner, and next year Nylander as well. Any deadline moves for this team for a playoff run would be a huge waste – this team isn't going anywhere – and they could even miss the playoffs.

  8. Did they win the game? Toronto has maybe 10 players who are actual NHL calibre players. The rest would never be there in a 16 team league, let's face it. They win only because the coach played the crap out of his best 5 or 6 players. You can see the top players are tired in the last 5 minutes of the game. That's why they lose a lot of games in the 5 minutes.

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