@Hurricanes de la Caroline

Ce commerce semble encore meilleur maintenant

Hier soir, Andrei Kuzmenko a marqué à ses débuts avec les Flames de Calgary alors qu’ils affrontaient les Bruins de Boston. Pendant ce temps, le joueur contre lequel il a été échangé, Elias Lindholm, a inscrit 2 buts pour les Canucks de Vancouver alors qu’ils affrontaient les Hurricanes de la Caroline. Cela et bien plus encore dans la vidéo NHL Hockey d’aujourd’hui !


  1. Seems just Winnipegs trade didn’t bare any fruit, also seems jets may be in a free fall like last year (coming from a jets fan)

  2. Win-win trades are the best. So happy to see Kuz scoring again and Lindholm's already fitting in great here.

  3. My thought when i first saw the trade was Kuzmenko was going to be a start player for Calgary, since any time the Canucks trade someone they seem to start doing better. Lindholm is at least a good trade, but will see what happens near the trade deadline, cause i expect Canucks management to screw things up, mostly around the goalies.

  4. Last night was a treat! Kuzzy scores, Lindy scores twice, Flames and Nucks fans are happy and Edmonton lost!!!

  5. I’m really glad Lindholm is getting a chance on a good team. I still hate the Canucks and hope they are eliminated in the first round.

  6. Lindholms second goal shows just how good he is – turning around, getting his stick up and putting it down for a redirect in one motion within a split second. Need to be seen multiple times to understand the skill level.

  7. Canucks fan here but I'm glad Kuzmenko is smiling and doing his work on the PP in Calgary. Even with Calgary as our rival, as other commentors are saying, Win-Wins are the best.

  8. Oilers: you dumfucks you made our division rival unstoppable now

    Flames: i miss the part where thats my problem

  9. Kuzmenko is exactly what the Flames needed. Besides Sharangovich, this team had no snipers. Kuzmenko already looks incredible and he’s having a secondary benefit of providing Huberdeau with options on the forecheck. If Huberdeau can improve his game by playing off Kuzmenko, this is a double win for the Flames.

  10. Flames definitely came out on the better end, but if Vancouver makes a run this could turn out to be one of the more prominent win-win trades in recent memory.

  11. Kuzmenko is playing with a good playmaker again, so he should score some goals before the end of the season. Lindholm, same thing. But for me, Lindholm is more valuable to a contending team because he can be used in all situations. He's not a guy you have to shelter and only put out in offensive situations. He can win face-offs, protect the puck and shut down the top players on opposing teams. That's going to be invaluable in the playoffs. He'll be out there whenever possible against guys like MacKinnon and McDavid. Pettersson won't have to shoulder that burden alone. Pettersson still isn't 50%+ in the face-off circle yet, so I would imagine Miller and Lindholm should be handling most of those duties, depending on what situation the team is in. Lindholm is the kind of player who makes the coach's job easier. He knows what he needs to do and he does it.

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