@Hurricanes de la Caroline

Faits saillants de la LNH | Avalanche contre ouragans – 8 février 2024

Martin Necas a inscrit trois buts en première période pour remporter son premier tour du chapeau en carrière et Teuvo Teraveinen a récolté trois passes décisives alors que les Hurricanes de la Caroline ont infligé à l’Avalanche du Colorado leur troisième défaite consécutive, gagnant 5-2.


  1. Двое дыpявых вротаpш снова выдали свой питyшиный уровень игры😆😆😆😆

  2. This is one of the Avs unlucky streaks where everything just goes against them, even the goaltending. I’m fully confident the bounce back will be great.

    But my god that arena is one of the most annoying ones, right up there next to Kraken arena. Every break was crappy music, every time the Canes did anything the 3 horn chant went off, and tones of drunk idiots booing. If I wanted that much crap in my ears I’d go to a Bieber concert.

  3. I knew the Avs were gonna lose multiple games after the break, it's easy to see how garbage they are, it's pathetic

  4. Если честно ураганы команда ДНИЩЕ, просто жуки играли очень-очень плохо, и поэтому позволили им выиграть…..!!!

  5. These home announcers are over the top. These are not my teams, I just love hockey. These homers are the worst.

  6. Look boys the All-Star game is over let's get back to playing some hockey boys that's three in a row. No you guys are better than that!!

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