@Canucks de Vancouver

Je me sens en conflit à l’idée que Messier change son récit [Daily Hive]

Je me sens en conflit à l’idée que Messier change son récit [Daily Hive]



  1. Grapesodazoo2

    I see Messier, I say fuck Messier. Easy

  2. julesieee

    Ewww Messier in a Super Bowl ad for Lays? IN THIS YEAR?!?

    Hard Pass. 👎

  3. Old_Bigsby

    He even mentioned that he shouldn’t have taken the C a few years back in a Reddit AMA. There is a plethora of reasons why we should fucking hate Messier and that was only one of them. He needs to do a little more reflecting if he’s ever going to realize why this city hates him so much.

    But he won’t, he’ll just sit back and get fat on his Lay’s chips.

  4. shorthanded

    This fucking dickheaded garbage-ass piece of shit. No it wasn’t a good idea, took you 20 years to sort that out? Still sued the team, so it wasn’t that bad of an idea, ya selfish fuck. Probably not a good idea to go partying after every game, win or lose, being the biggest asshole in the city for years. Maybe it was a terrible idea to go back to your hometown and sign autographs at $200 per person, ya fucking disgrace! Fuck this shithead

  5. shadownet97

    Nah fuck messier. You don’t deserve a capitalized “m” in your name either.

    The amount of pain and anger you brought onto this city is endless.

  6. Brown_Recidivist

    dont forget he sued Canucks ownership for more money and won. This guy sucks lol

  7. djblackprince

    This changes nothing


  8. redditguyinthehouse

    Damn that’s crazy, fuck messier

  9. hannah_nj

    > “When I went to Vancouver… the expectations were a Stanley Cup but the reality was the team was in a rebuild. Balancing that expectation with the reality in that market was something that needed to be dealt with.”

    i mean yeah that tends to happen when you bring in your buddy keenan to be gm/coach and he trades away half the team lol

  10. Simplebudd420

    Fuck Messier I hope Lays chips give him anal leakage

  11. epochlink

    Messier came here to fill his back pocket, guy was ass.

  12. Initial-Ad-5462

    Fuck this guy forever.

    I even read the article before commenting here. Obviously in hindsight it was a mistake to make a 36 year old fucker the second highest paid player in the league after Lemieux, but still to this day the selfish fuck has to inflate himself with “When I went to Vancouver… the expectations were a Stanley Cup but the reality was the team was in a rebuild.” It wasn’t a rebuild, it was a last dash to try for a cup with the old core. It only had to became a rebuild when management realized what a mistake they made with this useless fuck on the ice and disruptive fuck in the dressing room.

    Fuck Messier.

  13. jigglywigglydigaby

    The article has Messier saying « players (former Canucks) still call me to say thank you for all I did for them. »

    The article only mentions *1* former Canuck to say *anything* positive about Messier….a player who never took the ice with him ffs.

    I wonder what Quinn’s take would be on his time with Messier? I wonder what Linden’s true feelings are regarding all he did to the organization? Not that Linden would be the type to talk shit even if his mouth was full of it.

    3 years at $6mil/year……never even made the playoffs once. Drugs and partying were more important than earning his wage.

    As an Oiler fan first and foremost:

    Fuck Messier

  14. -agent49-

    I’m surprised nobody mentions Mike Keenan. He was the one who empowered Messier.

  15. EpicRussia

    I feel like I will be changing my narrative from « Fuck Messier » to « FUCK MESSIER »

  16. Full-Opportunity7714

    Fuck Messier. Bald headed cunt

  17. Curtis__E__Flush

    Man, as a kid I loved the Canucks so much. Playing street hockey and pretending to be Bure and running as fast as I could while playing left handed (my off hand) or pretending to be Linden while playing as a righty. Or even McLean if I played in goal and trying my ass off to mimick ‘The Save’…

    Messier ruined that for me….I stopped watching the Canucks and hockey altogether…everything I loved about the Canucks had been ruined by him and Keenan.

    It wasn’t until the West Coast Express that I started watching again and I haven’t stopped since.

    I’ll always despise Messier.

  18. mareca_falcata

    I grew up in Michigan, close enough to Canada to get HNIC. I became a Canucks fan in the mid 90s by watching them in the late night game. I hated Messier and all of his bullshit. But I didn’t know any other Canucks fans to commiserate with. It warms my cold heart to find this subreddit and see that the Messier hate is alive in all of us.

    Fuck Messier

  19. You work your ass off to save up money to buy a new pair of shoes. You got a hot date, and you drive over and when you step out of your car its right into a massive pile of dog shit!

    Shoes ruined, date ruined, wasted time and money and it’s still not even one one-billionth as bad as having that Fuck Messier associated with the Canucks in any way ever at all.

  20. 00Makerin00

    Fuck messier. Now I lowercase the m because he doesn’t deserve it.

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