@Kings de Los Angeles

Sujet d’après-match : Kings de Los Angeles contre Sabres de Buffalo – 13 février 2024

2023020824 LAK perd, 0 – 7.

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  1. hashbrownbby

    More like the Los Angeles Sloppy Joes tonight. Terrible game in every aspect. On to NJ.

  2. Thumper13

    Well that was a thing that « happened? » Just all around not good. Passes sloppy, Vets making stupid stupid stupid mistakes, goalies not being able to save anything…IDK, maybe they’re all sick. Something. That was pretty bad. Hope they bounce back with a much better effort.

  3. darkslug

    I guess we do coaches just like we do goalies: try to make it work without actually getting someone who can do the job.

  4. Elucidator

    I fully disassociated midway through and then it just became amusing. I’m in awe of how badly they played. I watched them in person kick the shit out of the Oilers just days ago lmao. This team is so fragile.

  5. Daezuel

    If I’m Hiller I’m throwing shit at players in the locker room, these lazy fuckers trying to ruin his career.

    Worst game I’ve ever seen.

  6. Puckdrunkpunch


  7. Edmuresay

    Got dominated from literally the very first shift. Their 2nd goal can never happen and Dewey gets to raise his hand on that one. Game was over at that point. Kopi -6? Never seen that before. Dave was shaky as fuck, but I can’t really blame him too much considering Buffalo was on his shit immediately. Talbot… man.

    This is the type of game that gets people fired and traded.


  8. flackguns

    I just hate that I got duped into optimism again.

  9. Really weird that this has happened against a team like Buffalo, could chalk it up as Buffalo’s system being the perfect adversary for the Kings system but god damn does this look horrible

  10. may_or_may_not_haiku

    Did you know it got worse than rock bottem?

  11. Puckdrunkpunch


    Me at this point. Highest of highs, and lowest of lows. All in one season.

  12. ShadowChair

    With Arvidsson coming back soon (hopefully next game) I really want to see some bigger line changes. It’s just not working and it hasn’t been for well over a month. Kopitar and Kempe have been struggling for awhile now and they should be detached. One of them seriously needs to get hot and we’ve spent long enough waiting for them to do it together.

  13. MumkeMode


  14. EulersStolenIdentity


  15. probablysmellsmydog

    I don’t even trust Rob to navigate the trade deadline efficiently. The peak of his tenure was taking EDM to 7 games. And I’m not convinced the ownership gives two shits about hockey. This rebuild is going to last another decade.

  16. LordCheezus

    Oof. What are you all drinking tonight?

  17. Ta-veren-

    Why the heck didn’t they pull rittick out of net after like four? Why didn’t they put Talbot in

  18. RevRound

    Kings seem determined to play some playoff golf.

  19. sophophora

    Hot take: Kopi should be in the press box Thursday.

    And not just for tonight, his performance has been awful for a while. His AAV for the next couple years is looking pretty damn rough right now.

  20. ZiggyPalffyLA

    The Kings are 4-18 in their last 22 games in Buffalo. The Sabres have been a bad team for a large part of that stretch. What’s the reason we always struggle here?

  21. MajorPucks

    That new Coach Bump promise was not very promising… hrmph

  22. Terrible-Option505

    What the heck happened?!? Missed this game and omfg I’m in shock

  23. Dependent_Weight2274

    I will let this pass because we beat Edmonton, but god damn boys.

  24. Expendable_0

    Buffalo had perfect shots vs sketchy D, can’t blame the goal tenders much.

    I hate to say it but we should really consider moving Kopi to the 3rd line. I think we are seeing how much of an impact he had on our game. Englund seemed to kill momentum any time he touched the puck.

    On the bright side, PLD is finally waking up now that everyone else is asleep. Turcotte looked great as well.

  25. SourWokeBooey

    Looks like Kongs hockey is back on the menu, boys.

  26. JasonPlattMusic34

    Rams’ defense did a great job holding the Bills to a single touchdown tonight…

    …oh you mean to tell me this was a hockey game? Shit

  27. oldsplicer

    Bet drew doughty’s bottom lip is hanging down now after getting crushed ha! ha!

  28. johannesBrost1337

    Missed tonight’s game, Looks like a real ugly outing?

  29. Odd-Most-9186

    This was difficult to watch, the team was a mess on both ends tonight, however I don’t want to discount Luukkonen. Glad to see Doughty called out by Fox as well as Kopitar (I don’t think he is injured, just old). I truly believe he will be our 3rd-4th line Center in the coming weeks. Dubois has woken up and obviously coaching is and approach is a big thing to him. I would like to see

    1st Lafferiere, Dubois, Fiala
    2nd Moore, Danault, Arvidsson
    3rd Turcotte, Byfield, Kempe
    4th Lewis, Kopitar, Kaliev (Grundstrom)
    Could give us balanced scoring

  30. Cagekicker52

    Welp, guess we’re back…


    The players looked absolutely pathetic out there. Did certain members of the squad not get invited to AI’s??

    Is it time for a new Captain? -6 eh Kopi? Mr. Selke?

    You know I read something the other day, and it basically said the 2012 team was like 100% together, chemistry wise, buddy wise, it was a unit. The Kings the way they’re built now are like little « mini groups » … Didn’t sit well with me. I’m starting to wonder that it’s really time for new players to take leadership roles on the team.

    OR… it’s time for what I’ve been saying all along, get Kopi off the top line!!!! Put someone with legs at that 1C spot! Reduce doughtys minutes as well and let Clarke play EVERY NIGHT! How hard is it to see that it’s time to reduce ROLES of dudes that are pushing 40!?

    Edit: Oh yeah, we have garbage d men. Don’t even @ me.. they can’t play defense. I don’t want to hear it. Gavi is ok, Anderson ok. Doughty needs minutes dropped bad. They don’t block shots, they don’t do jack squat. I’m tired of it. Get Clarke in there ASAP, dudes a Ferrari and he’s sitting around trying to go and we won’t let him go. Pathetic. Spence and Englund are an embarrassment defensively. Roy is too half the time. Don’t even get me started with Roy, endless amounts of unearned credit going that dudes way as of late.

  31. dlrdweller

    omg what the hell happened tonight?! I couldn’t watch the game and I’m so shocked to see we lost 0-7 ! WTF 😫

  32. Jaded-Reward-8506

    this sub is so reactionary and weird. we lose 10 games, fire the coach! ok they do, kings win one game, we are SO back right?! kings lose 0-7 next game, let’s blame every single player except the one making 8.5 mil to look hungover and disinterested most nights. make it make sense? oh wait

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