@Rangers de New York

Jack Johnson est un Ranger de New York…

Alors… Jack Johnson est officiellement membre des Rangers de New York et a signé un contrat d’un an d’un million de dollars vendredi dernier… C’est notre punition pour avoir repêché Lafrenière, n’est-ce pas ? Devenez mécène ici : https://www.patreon.com/OddManRush Twitter : https://twitter.com/OddManRushYT N’hésitez pas à aimer, à vous abonner, à partager ou à regarder certaines de mes autres vidéos et merci beaucoup d’avoir regardé !


  1. Given the amount of time I have live-streamed this week, I didn't have much time to write a video this weekend, so here's my un-scripted, un-edited thoughts on the New York Rangers' big Free Agent signing.

    Let me know if you enjoyed this type this video and want to see more!

  2. Dude, seriously chill out. You are going way overboard on this. He is a depth guy who will play on the 3rd pairing. Big freaking deal. And why is everyone crying and whining about Staal or Fast. Goodbye to both of them. It's a one year deal. So what's the problem?

  3. As a rangers fan for the past 17 years, I feel this video is an overreaction. Yeah jack johnson sucks but think about all of the young prospects they have especially on the left side. Schneider will probably do another year with Brandon. Miller is on his ELC and he should fit in nicely into the roster. The reason they signed Jack Johnson is because hes an older player who can be a mentor to some of the younger guys who in John Davidson’s words, “need to go through the process of learning how to win.” Plus these young prospects need to develop. I think a seasoned veteran who was good in his prine can help with that even if hes just a 7th dman

  4. Jack Johnson will be ok for a year at 1 mil. I’m a Pens fan, he’s not quite as terrible as people make him out to be. Our blue line was the most pathetic I’ve ever seen it and he was paired with an injury-decimated Justin Schultz who def lost several steps after breaking his leg. Yes Jack’s advanced metrics are utter shite. We were paying him 5 years at 4 million per. That’s an ouch. But, he brings a physicality that could be useful on the 3rd pair or like you said as a 7th D man. I dunno man I’m trying to rationalize it for you 😂

  5. I felt so comfortable with Gorton and JD leading the way, for good reasons, but this was a Sather type of move. We had such a great off season up until that point. Upset we missed out on Wennberg, and we've been pretty quiet so far but I'm hoping we sign Haula at least. First time coming across your channel, I agree with you on a lot of things…easily subbed. LGR!

  6. Can tell this was non scripted. You keep blathering the same shit over and over. With no answer. Pretty annoying.

  7. I Listened to JG & JD's answer on why they signed him, it seems he is a spot fill till our youngsters are ready in Zac Jones, Nils Lunqvist, Mathew Robertson, Runuemen how ever you spell his name. The reason it didn't work with Fast was because of term, he wanted 3years Rangers wanted 1 & at max 2years because of the youngsters we have coming in the system. I'm just saying I understand better now what their intentions & thinking was behind certain moves & now I can at least respect it. Doesn't mean I support the moves though. But Take a listen to their MSG network interview with the media explaining such moves. Keep up the great work though, new sub here.

  8. Making a move for Jack Johnson is as senseless as you sitting in front of a green screen and doing nothing with it…

  9. listen. staal was too expensive. k’andre miller nor nils lundqvist are going to be ready for this year. johnson is just a cheaper marc staal right now. if staal wasnt costing them so much they probably wouldve just held onto him.

  10. Idiot Penguins fans try to make it look like Johnson is not a solid player, for some reason they got on him , prolly cos of the money, but the Ranger fans aren't so dim, and you gots a good D-Man, no matter how many glass-eyed Pens fans tell ya otherwise. Watch whoever replaces him in Pitt. – and the standings – for the proof.

  11. Even though I would have acquired Joe Finley over Jack Johnson, yet Johnson is a big-time upgrade over Marc "The Turtle" Staal.

  12. Hey brother as a fellow ranger fan myself want to get your thoughts on how this lovely addition of Jack Johnson has been working out? I’m thinking he’s going to be up for the Norris😏

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