@Ligue nationale de hockey

L’espoir de la LNH Shane Wright surpris la tête baissée

L’espoir de la LNH Shane Wright surpris la tête baissée



  1. Cheefnuggs

    He popped right back up so that’s a good sign. Big hit tho for sure.

  2. Upbeat_Chipmunk_6406

    Got screened by his own player there. Love to see a guy get up like it didnt even phase him.

  3. wolceniscool

    Great clean hit and no fight? What a time to be alive. If only it could translate to higher levels of play

  4. legace211989

    Can someone explain to me why he isn’t in the NHL? He was drafted, played some games but now he’s just an AHL player. Is it just accepted that he isn’t cut out for the NHL?

  5. DissatisfiedByCRS

    This would get /r/hockey absolutely heated if it happened in an NHL game. Hard clean hit


    I’m amazed he got up so quickly. My breath left my body watching him take that and it took me a few seconds to recover.

  7. dirkahps

    Legit forgot about this guy until this came up in my feed.

  8. ArcticBeast3

    Man that guy is still in the minors ?

  9. seattlesportsguy

    Oof. Hope he doesn’t miss too much time. I still believe in this kid

  10. 2min4roughing

    Head up on the train tracks buddy

  11. zestfullybe

    Holy hell, caught on the tracks. The way it popped his helmet off. Whoa.

  12. DrSeuss19

    He’s still not in the NHL? I completely forgot about him

  13. Namaste4Runner420

    Ozzie Weisblatt gonna be a stud. Watch.

  14. sillyaviator

    Can they send him back to the CHL?

  15. Small-Wolverine-7166

    I was anticipating a fight. Incredibly, there wasn’t !

  16. Big--Async--Await

    Wait no pointless fight? 😑🤨 something ain’t right here…

  17. Gsauce65

    I got caught like this once on a breakaway. Dude came off the bench on a change just as I’d gotten the pass and slammed the butt end of his stick into my chest when he hit me. I got right back up and went to the bench but for the next 3-4 days I had to roll onto my side to get out of bed and couldn’t use my chest at all for anything.

  18. USBIues

    And that’s why we didn’t send Quinn down for a conditioning stint. They headhunt nhl players down there

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