@Jets de Winnipeg

Sommes-nous en train de magasiner à la date limite des échanges ?

Sommes-nous en train de prendre du volume pour une course en profondeur ? J’aime notre équipe, la chimie se construit. Cependant, l’ajout de Monahan avec des résultats aussi immédiats me fait réfléchir. Nous pouvons être de vrais prétendants à la coupe cette année, Chevrolet recherche-t-elle plus d’expérience et de robustesse ? https://www.thefourthperiod.com/trade-watch-list-2024 Je ne lis généralement pas sur les autres équipes mais cette année, je suis intéressé.



  1. jtownmoneybags

    Chevy would be an idiot not to try, and he will, but he also wont make any deals or overpay egregiously.

    He will be cautiously aggressive, jets need another D man like Tanev, hell maybe a couple D men, an upgrade on the bottom 6, and in a perfect world, one more top 6 Guy.

    Only way to make that happen would to be to part with one of our high end prospects and some draft picks, it would be sad, but trading your entire draft cupboard is worth it for one stanley cup, and with the way the team and Bucky are playing, this is the best year to do it.

  2. shrouple

    if we could snag artem zub from ottowa I think that would low key be an amazing get. would be like demelo 2.0

  3. ottereckhart

    He will look around and do his due diligence. I don’t think we’ll be getting a Tanev type acquisition as nice as that would be. It really seems to be a seller’s market and unlike other teams we can’t afford to give up draft picks and prospects willy-nilly.

    He did say Heinola might be an internal addition we could see.

    Sidenote; after seeing Chisholm in Minnesota… God that’s heartbreaking he is a great player we got nothing back for. He should have been in front of Schmidt in the lineup, nevermind Stanley.

  4. SyrinxCounterparts1

    Right now, you might need more of a strong winger at this point. Perfetti and Ehlers have been in somewhat of a slump, and the two of them are admittedly, undersized, especially when the playoffs come around and it’s total grind at that point. I’m not saying to trade either of them, but you need to look at total performance at this point.

  5. buttermyanus

    Yes. We need a forward for the top 9, if perfetti doesn’t figure it out, it won’t end well in the playoffs. We need someone with size, and a consistent motor up there that can produce some points, that’s was missing. Adding there will in turn make the bottom 6 better, with people moving down. Adding a solid D wouldn’t hurt either, I fear the more the org sees Stanley play, the more they’ll think adding a D isn’t that important, especially with Heinola around too.

  6. JetsNBombers0707

    If the jets don’t fix their game…they’re going to need to do more.

    Yes they are winners in 4 of the last five but they are not nearly as defensively dominant as they were, and that worries me that teams have figured out how to play against them

  7. DannyDOH

    Wing and RHD I think for sure.

    Potentially more depth types down the middle and on D as well.  Might as well spend all the cap space and go for it.

  8. Pamplemousse47

    I’ve been hearing more and more about the Jets scouting the flyers extensively

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