@Devils du New Jersey

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Jack Hughes a marqué tard, mais ce n’était pas suffisant alors que les Devils s’inclinent face aux Rangers 5-1 au Prudential Center


  1. The only way that the Devils can move on is without Ruff! He needs to be fired after letting Daws start too many damn times!

  2. The softest team in the league physically. Bunch of boys in a man's league. We need some tough players for next season.

  3. Oh Lindy just shut up. Just.. you guys are adding extra pressure. Really? Can we please get Torts from the flyers in here?

  4. There is no hope, none, I’m sorry, the Devils are never gonna be good ever again, the franchise is too dysfunctional, enjoy them while they’re still in Jersey, cause they aren’t gonna be for much longer

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