@Blackhawks de Chicago

La dualité de l’homme 🤡

La dualité de l’homme 🤡



  1. Despicable_pineapple

    Holy shit what a dumbass. They dont actually care.

  2. Melodic-Geologist532

    Ya, I argued something similar on r/NHL where the call Kaner a Detroit legend now.

    That Gordie Howe guy was one hell of a Whaler.

  3. Real-Competition-187

    Hear me out, maybe, just maybe, Detroit fans are garbage.

  4. rysker6

    The sinking feeling Kane is Chelios 2.0; bound to play for the Red Wings for the next decade

  5. Davidson should get slapped in the face for not bringing Kane back so fucking stupid

  6. 2-dudes-ina-big-suit

    Found this in r/hockey all the time: nobody ACTUALLY cares about the Beach assault: it’s a holier-than-thou “burn” when teams are out of hockey arguments.

  7. Bballdaniel3

    Not trying to defend this guy, but people can change their minds about things…

  8. AffectionateMud4930

    Whooo the fook is THIS guy??

  9. hockeymatt22

    They don’t deserve showtime 🥲

  10. Ok_Message_1330

    i’m sorry but the players did screw up with the kyle beach situation but this 99.9% falls on the upper management

  11. Three_Froggy_Problem

    Hopefully everyone in this sub can agree that the Kyle Beach situation was absolutely fucked, but the response from other fanbases on r/hockey was annoying. Everyone just used it as an opportunity to shit on the Hawks while feeling morally superior. I don’t really believe that the vast majority of those folks care about Kyle Beach; they just liked having a justification for their existing dislike of this team and they were hoping that it would lead to the team losing its 1OA.

    I will say that I found Toew’s response to the situation to be really bad, though. Kane also made a bad statement, but he at least made an effort to walk it back later. As far as I know Toews never did that.

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