@Ligue nationale de hockey

Expérience moyenne de Tom Wilson

Expérience moyenne de Tom Wilson



  1. xCloudChaserx

    Aren’t they friends? Probably whispered « love you bro » into each other’s ears after the take down by Wilson.

  2. Somecivilguy

    Nice to see Wilson getting swung around.

  3. HowIMetYourStepmom

    Man if i saw Tom Wilson in person id give him a nice pop in the jaw…

    Then run away with my tail between my legs cuz he’d probably eliminate me

  4. Fancy_Combination436

    25 and 28 lol. You gotta love how brutal and wholesome hockey is at the same time.

  5. Allen_Koholic

    Fucking lol at Poehling and Lapierre doing the hug.

  6. kickn-it-old-skool

    Id love to see rempe rock wilson

  7. WestCoastCosta

    Good. Wake Wilson up, he’s sleeping in fantasy hockey

  8. IveGotAMicropeen

    Tom Wilson is such a gem, the sissy league just doesnt make many like him anymore

  9. joeteboe

    My money is on Hathaway. Still salty at Calgary for trading him. Don’t get me wrong, Wilson plays for keeps but Hathaway is low key lethal.

  10. ThePlayoffKid

    Hathaway is an absolute psychopath

  11. Scaballi

    Ovechkin should’ve stayed out of it.

  12. JasonEAltMTG

    yOU’d lOvE HIm iF he WAs on YoUR teAm

  13. InfallibleBackstairs

    Love Willy! Great win tonight, boys! 🤘

  14. IcansavemiselfDEEN

    All my homies hate Tom Wilson.

  15. Ok_Adhesiveness3638

    I really hope most players would throw a punch back after getting punched in the face and not just Wilson

  16. cheezpnts

    Fuck Wilson. I want to watch him get dragged across the ice on his face. He is such a little bitch fuck boy.

  17. DaisyFeeder

    Ol’ Tom was manhandled.

    Looked like a 12 year old against a man.

  18. LumplessWaffleBatter

    My two favorite players getting into a little scrap.  Gotta love the rats.

  19. 03_t444e

    This is a nothing burger. Sorry you cupless team doesn’t have Stanley cup champ tom wilson. Fuckin loser OP

  20. FarewellFix

    I was sad to see Hathaway traded from the Caps to the Bruins. If you’ve ever watched pregame prep in the tunnel before warm-ups, you know these guys are buddies. But Caps coming back from 2 down and putting up 5 straight…Hathaway and to try and get that joke of a team and coach going somehow.

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