@Lightning de Tampa Bay

Ce jeu était intense..

OK les gars, il est temps de jeter un œil au match d’hier soir entre les Canadiens de Montréal et le Lightning de Tampa Bay. Le Lightning a remporté ce match par un score de 4-3 en tirs de barrage. Cependant, le match est devenu assez échauffé et plein d’intensité tout au long. Les Canadiens ont livré une bonne bataille à une formation beaucoup plus talentueuse de Tampa Bay. Jetons un coup d’oeil ! Les articles qui figuraient dans la vidéo étaient des captures d’écran de Habsfanatics.com, je vous recommande fortement de consulter ce site pour d’autres nouvelles des Habs, faites-moi savoir ce que vous pensez de celui-ci dans la section commentaires ! Si vous êtes un fan du Tricolore, ou simplement du hockey en général, pensez à vous abonner à ma chaîne, car je télécharge une tonne de contenu sur le hockey, et j’apprécierais vraiment que vous soyez encore plus nombreux, les sauterelles, à me suivre ! Pour soutenir ma chaîne, pensez à appuyer sur le bouton Rejoindre et devenez membre dès aujourd’hui. Accédez à des vidéos exclusives réservées aux membres, ainsi qu’aux publications de la communauté ! Si vous êtes récemment devenu un nouveau membre, n’oubliez pas de consulter les « 15 membres Only Video Playlist », lié ici.. : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLq… Email : Hockeyjunkieemail@gmail.com Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/HockeyJunkie Discord Server : https://discord.gg/3jazrNmefY Twitter : https://twitter.com/HockeyJunkieYT Merch : https://streamlabs.com/hockeyjunkie/m… Et bien sûr, merci d’avoir regardé !


  1. I completely gave up on Primeau years ago. But I've changed my mind, he can be a decent backup in the NHL, and goalie depth to keep in general. I'm sure several prospects will pass him up, but it's all positive stuff. We can keep him for cheap even if he have an established duo for our compete window (i.e. 50/50 or 60/40 with Monty and Fowler as 1a/1b), but STILL keep him because NEVER want to see 2014 ever again; losing you hotest goalie shouldn't mean the automatic end to your playoff push… We did that and it was a bad idea. Like any other position, goalie depth is key to succeed.
    Newhook is silently producing like 50-55 pts pace on a full season already, and it's with ZERO top 6 talent on his line. That trade and especially the crazy cheap contract he signed with us (around 2.9M for 4 years… If with a new team and sucky linemates he already makes it look like a top value contract, just imagine if we add Dach and another top 6 guy with him. It might become one the most cap friendly contract in the league.
    For reference, a general benchmark is 100k per point, so a 60pt scorer will generally be worth 6M per year in average. I have zero doubt that Newhook will be a 60+ points scorer (and REALLY versatile as a C and W). So to already have locked him for less than 3M per year was genius. I thought we overpaid a tiny little bit too much to get him, but now I see why they went for it.

  2. The reffing in both Florida games was awful. The Cats put on a diving clinic with 6 obvious dives and half of them were called against the Habs. The Timmy Stutzle diving class on zoom paid off for Tkachuck and the rats. And then so many missed calls in the Tampa game! The refs must be getting a special deal for a retirement home in Florida.

  3. Oh, BTW, Mario Armia is ONE POINT away to tie with Anderson, and he's doing so having played 10+ games less than him.
    If Anderson feels a need for extra motivation in order to break out from whatever mental block he's been going through, NOT getting BEST freaking Armia DEFiNITELY should be ALL he needs to restart production lol. Andy CANNOT let that happen, seriously; it's going to murder his ego for good you guys…

    To me, now that he finally scored and that Armia started producing from nowhere since his AHL stint, their production race is going to be my new personal stats obsession (that and Suzuki TEASING TF out of us by getting as close as a PPG possible without reaching it. It's been 1-3 points away for at a least a month now! How much do you want to be that he'll finish the season with 81 points out of 82 games lol :P).

  4. Poor Habs. They can't even lose properly. They get 2 points in 2 games and lost both. No gratification. Their moral must be so low these days. I hope they win one or two soon just to bring their spirits up. On a good note, they were up there and could have won 2 straight games against 2 good opponents. They will only get better. Keep your chin up guys!

  5. I suppose this is what passes for intense these days. I prefer watching 90's hockey. It's the perfect mix of speed, skill, and brutality.

  6. Remple got Tuned by Reaves .If not for his long reach advantage, the damage would have been worse.That said I like the Kid.😮

  7. Primeau had a good game. That give away pass was legit the first bad mistake Ive seen suzuki make… luckily it was a 1-4-1 trade so no biggy. Caufields shoot out goal was beautiful

  8. my friend there is no love lost between those two..
    let's not forget the previous playoff history between them..

    albeit the rivalry isn't as fierce as it has been, but it didn't take long for sparks to fly, and the fire reigniting again lol… 🔥🔥

    haha yah love to see it!! 🤗🤗

  9. As usual, Tampa needs the help of the refs to beat Montreal.
    We won't forget this one. Xhekaj will have his day in court…bank on it.
    Regardless of the outcome, Primeau did us proud last night.😉👍

  10. We need a beer league hockey game highlights video where Hockey Junkie is mic'd up chirping people.

  11. At least a three/fourths of a period missed in penalty minutes for our Habs 😂

  12. It’s crazy how competitive the Habs are most nights. How many 1 goal games did they loose? Seems like almost all of them( lots of empty nets would of been a 1 goal game too)

  13. Montreal should have taken the L in regulation. It messes up the tank and at the same time they still lose. I hate when they get points in defeat. 😤

  14. When I saw Cernak punch Xhekaj in the face I lit went ''Oh he didn´t just do that…'' 🤣 it takes a special kind of stupid to blatantly punch someone who has something like 'The Sheriff' as a nickname 🤦‍♀

  15. Hell of game from both teams. Shame the refs didn;t show up. Or maybe they decided to challenge the Habs by being on the same level as the playoff refs when Habs went up against Vegas. Someone needs to fire all the refs and replace them with AI.

  16. After watching full confrontation of Xhekaj and Cernak, I wouldn’t say one dominated over the other. Pretty even match and they didn’t get much time together since Cernak floored Xhekaj down pretty quickly. Just prefer to be objective.

  17. Despite their record, I've really enjoyed watching the Habs this year, and your post game commentary has made it even more enjoyable, Thx.

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