@Blues de Saint-Louis

Avec la victoire des Blues 2-1 en tirs de barrage ce soir, Doug Armstrong devient le 11e directeur général de la LNH à remporter 800 victoires en carrière. Il est le deuxième plus rapide à atteindre 800 victoires (1 433 matchs), derrière Ken Holland qui l’a fait en 1 381 matchs.




  1. STLBooze3

    I know Blues fans might hate Doug right now, but he’s undoubtably a HHOF GM. We have been lucky to have him. Ya he might have some signings or trades back, but what GM doesn’t? He’s signed for the long term and is committed to make it right.

  2. Eastern_Act8338

    Dud’es been around since ties were a thing

  3. myanxietymademedoit

    Thanks for putting the score of tonight’s game in your post title. I was still watching the game when I checked my notifications.

  4. hi_fet_80980

    Buchnevich with the game winning goal in a shootout 😀👍🏻. Long live the note 🎵 🎺🎵🎺

  5. NoHeat7014

    Can we get a couple of more cups now?

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