@Sabres de Buffalo

[Chad DeDominicis] Au début, je ne voulais pas participer au retour de Lindy Ruff. Ensuite, j’ai commencé à regarder les chiffres que ses équipes affichaient alors qu’il était derrière le banc et j’ai fait un 180. Le faire revenir ne serait pas une mauvaise idée.

[Chad DeDominicis] Au début, je ne voulais pas participer au retour de Lindy Ruff. Ensuite, j’ai commencé à regarder les chiffres que ses équipes affichaient alors qu’il était derrière le banc et j’ai fait un 180. Le faire revenir ne serait pas une mauvaise idée.



  1. Remember when they brought back Ned Nolan?

  2. stuiephoto

    Head over to the NJ sub. Fans there have made a detailed list of shit this season in NJ that makes the buffalo staff look elite. The icing on the cake was the last game before lindy was fired, they pulled the goalie and *forgot to send a 6th skater out*.  Most of their list can be copied and pasted into our sub and you’d never know it was originally written about ruff/NJ. 

  3. dexter_cantalope

    As someone perpetually stuck in 1999-2007 I think this is a great idea.


  4. Cool_Raspberry443

    We don’t have Hasek or Miller to make him look better.

  5. No_Bother_8339

    I would take him with donny both know how to get the young core going

  6. somethingfortoday

    I will repeat this again. While I loved Lindy when he was here, the biggest complaint about him as a coach is he tends to destroy the confidence of young players. That’s not what the youngest team in the league needs. He literally makes them terrified of making a mistake on defense to the point that the offense struggles to get up the ice. This team needs a coach that demands better two way play, while not destroying confidence and creativity.

  7. jryvin327

    No don’t want him back. He ruined a lot of great players with his style of play! All he did was dump the puck and chase. He also got carried by hasek and miller majority of his tenure!

  8. jryvin327

    Granato is a good developmental coach, I would rather have him then ruff from an offensive standpoint even though we are underperforming this year

  9. the_missing_worker

    No to head coach.

    Maybe make director of hockey ops? Y’know give him a chair next to Terry and the power to say « That’s not a good idea Mr.P »

  10. Would much rather have Michael Peca. That guy is going to be an amazing coach and I hope we do whatever we need to this offseason to get him.

  11. CannaCanadia

    I mean we weren’t that good with Ruff, we have to expect we can do better. What’s the definition of insanity again? I don’t need to see him back in the building, we are moving forward.

  12. Quetzalcoatl490

    Sure, as a hockey czar. Don’t let him anywhere near our younger players.

  13. Have you forgotten how many Sabres players he absolutely destroyed? Mogilney for one. Letting him stay as long as he did was a huge mistake.

  14. scallywag1889

    They can’t get worse and have the longest playoff drought is us professional sports. It can’t hurt.

  15. MillerWoodside

    I don’t think that hiring Lindy as HC right now is a great idea, but man would I love the absolutely fervor that would come if he led us into the playoffs this season


    All about it. He’s got a goalie here, maybe even a 1a/1b down the road.

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