@Sénateurs d'Ottawa


Ross Levitan et Brandon Piller réagissent immédiatement après la défaite 6-3 des Sénateurs d’Ottawa contre les Capitals de Washington. Le POSTCAST vous est présenté par le Glebe Central Pub : votre pub de quartier au cœur du Glebe. Des gens formidables, de la bonne nourriture et des boissons savoureuses. Venez au 779, rue Bank et découvrez notre navette de match des Sénateurs ! https://www.glebecentralpub.com/online-store Découvrez la boutique de produits dérivés SensCentral : https://senscentralpodcast.secure-decoration.com/ Suivez l’émission… TWITTER : https://twitter.com/SensCentral INSTAGRAM : https://www.instagram.com/lockedon.senators TOUS LES LIENS : https://linktr.ee/LockedOnSenators Suivez-nous sur Twitter… Ross Levitan : https://twitter.com/RossLevitan Brandon Piller : https : //twitter.com/brandonpiller1


  1. The Sens Special Teams are atrocious…who's coaching the PP and PK? The Sens outplayed the Caps in many ways but the goaltending was an absolute embarrassment. The 4th line aren't NHLers.

  2. Boys it sucks but im in the same boat as you guys with chycky!! Sucks cause i love him! Just not looking good in Ottawa as of late! 😢

  3. I laughed pretty hard when one guy said we need to be like a goldfish and the next said we need to flush it, hahaha. Can't win them all but need to get right back on the horse tomorrow

  4. How is the all meat & organ diet working for you, Jakob Chychrun? He can't think properly, and has no energy. I'm an expert on all this stuff because I've done it. I'm 54, energy galore, among many other massive benefits. It's crazy the difference diet and lifestyle make, but diet, mostly…everything else falls into place naturally after that. Mind body spirit health and wellness, and especially athletic performance, is all connected to what you consume. The world's greatest athletes are all vegan, but the powers that be suppress that stuff. Hellywood is mostly vegan, and all the world's pro sports leagues have either done it, or are in the process of turning all their athlete assets into vegans…but of course they say "plant based", and many lie and say they occasionally eat fish or chicken sometimes to keep sponsors and the extremely powerful meat and dairy lobby happy. $$$ Trillions. Go Sens Go! What a tough game…they had the talent to come back, they just needed to be who they were a few games ago….maybe they were at the bar the night before? 😆

  5. What's going on with Jakob Chychrun is obviously causing him a great deal of anxiety, that's why he is blocking people, I need to remember he is a human being first, and hockey is just an inconsequential game. I do stand by my thoughts on the effects that diet has on performance, though. We all have a choice on whether or not to be a kind person. #compassion

  6. I'm not sure what kind of teammate Chycrun is…. if I understand correctly (I didn't watch the game) you said he looked at Chabot to point out that it was Chabot's fault?? I know because I saw it that he did the same thing with Stützle in December if I remember well. And it was not Stützle's fault. I don't like him since.

  7. I know many like Forsberg, but this is insane. .600? Seemed besides 1st goal, the rest should have been stopped. Not really a stellar game if you count that the Sens were .700 in this game and the Caps only took 20 shots on goals.

  8. Can we all just cross our fingers that 1 of the 3 of Soggy, Mando or Leevi turns out to be decent! And i'm gonna have to agree with Ross, my opinion on Chychrun has changed over the past few months. The guy is a absolute specimen and plays like hes 5'9 160 pounds. Last night seeing his complete lack of effort solidified that i wouldn't miss him if he gets dealt. GSG

  9. Ross Levitan? More like Loss Levitan after all of his L goaltending takes recently. Remember just 1 game ago when you were giving Forsy the double wrister for putting like 2 good games together? Good times. Who are we flip flopping to next Ross?

  10. we need a goalie that can maintain a .900 save percentage we have been down and out since we moved Anderson and every goalie since has been a miss.

  11. I’m so glad we have you guys to go over this and talk about it because I feel like I’m going insane scrolling Twitter. Love the show boys!! Excited for another game tonight….

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