@Sabres de Buffalo

Au revoir, Mittlestadt. Bonjour Byram.

Au revoir, Mittlestadt. Bonjour Byram.



  1. PrinciplesRK

    What the fuck?? This is crazy. We have so many LHD.

  2. timmeedski

    Byram has been one of my favorite prospects in years, however Casey has been flourishing and we already have two studs on the blue line. Imo Byram’s ceiling is also a top two defender, hopefully we can lock him in long-term at a lower AAV.

  3. DetectiveDerek

    Byram has been struggling since their cup run, no idea if colorado has the space to resign mitts

  4. Straight_Landscape37

    Actually don’t know how I feel about this. Gonna miss Mitts, but if Byram can get it together and Power takes a leap, then we’re gonna look pretty good on defense for the foreseeable future.

  5. BuffaloBillsfan04

    Can’t wait to see Mitts light it up in Colorado

  6. insaneandmundane

    I’m so upset. I really loved Mitts.

  7. 3rdEyeJoker

    Kinda makes me feel Casey was asking for a massive contract and I appreciate the return, byram is sick!

  8. xBialyOrzel

    This was a pointless trade unless Mitts was asking for 7M+

  9. GuybrushThreepwood94

    No idea how to feel. I just know I’m going to really, really miss Mittelstadt.

  10. Acrylic_

    Byram is great but man im going to miss Mittlestadt

  11. Rockhardwood

    Man I love Casey, but at the same time I’ve been begging for a « hockey trade ». What the hell lol. I guess we had too many top 6 centers, but now we have too many left d.

  12. GoGlenMoCo

    Don’t like this one bit. Mitts finally takes a big step forward and we trade him for a kid whose development is stagnating and also who plays a position we already have 2 #1 overall picks locked in long-term at? Common Sabres L.

  13. With all due respect and, with respect to my flair, I’m happy to see we got a quality return for Casey.

    Casey was always an enigmatic player but had started to show a lot of talent this year, but if we look over his career here there have been an incredible number of moments where we have all called for his head so looking at the balance of his play this is a great job by Kevyn Adams.

    He’s also may only be temporary for Colorado because I don’t think they can afford to sign him with the talent they currently have. We could resign him after this trade in the summer.

    Also I guess no one wants Victor Olofson?

  14. OpabiniaGlasses

    Time for another traded Sabres center to win a cup

  15. Bri_The_Nautilus


    I’m gonna miss Mitts so fucking much

  16. JahHappy

    There’s so many mixed comments in here. Some hate it, some love it. Im not familiar with Byram, can someone fill me in?

  17. Whydothesabressuck

    I’m not mad about this. I love Casey but he was going to be expensive and is expiring after this year. Byram is a great young defenseman and has another year before being RFA.

  18. dumpmaster42069

    Wait, is this real? We really traded Casey? Wtf

  19. JoeSchmohawk93

    WTF. We needed another defenseman but not THAT type of defenseman. Intriguing swap but my knee jerk reaction is that I don’t like it

  20. fyurious

    Avs fan chiming in – Bo’s got great potential but being buried on the 3rd pairing isn’t doing him any favors. He can thrive but the injuries may be an issue. I hope for nothing but the best for him and I’m happy he’s back with EJ.

    I’m super excited about Mittlestadt! We’ll take care of him for you!

  21. Josh11502

    Id rather have Quinn/Peterka long term than Casey anyway

  22. ProstockAccount

    Please take care of our Bo❤️ Y’all are going to love him.

  23. I don’t think I hate this? I feel like Krebs is basically a younger Mitts, and we have a ton of F prospects, might as well solidify the D.

  24. Sandymcjizztits

    Proof that no matter what the GM does, the fans will be upset about it. We got younger and we needed a top 4 defenseman, Casey is great no doubt. He’s going to be insane for the avs but realistically mitts would’ve been hard to resign imo. You have to switch things up, they’ve been playing better but this is a major wake up call to the room and I think it’s long overdue.
    As for the trade as a whole: I would’ve thought we would have to add more to get byram from COL. I think it’s a fair trade though for the most part, I could see it working out for both teams.

  25. andyouarenotme

    Feels like a trade you make when you feel the pressure to simply make a trade. Mittlestadt consistently created plays out of thin air, and I think his value to the sabres was worth more than we were going to get on the market. There’s no doubt this trade makes Colorado better today (doubt they sign him), but there is definitely doubt that it makes the Sabres better in the future. My gut reaction is this will end about as well as all of the recent Sabres trades…

    Edit: I forgot to mention that Byram’s injury and concussion problems are concerning.

    Edit 2: It’s also funny to me that we had Montour, who has essentially become the absolute ceiling for what Byram can be. Our roster management under KA is worth questioning.

  26. phatsystem

    It’s hard to judge this trade because if Mitts needed > $7m to stay, then it would have been hard to make that work on a long deal.

    We also don’t know yet if there are any other smaller pieces moving around.

    If Byram rebounds, he’s going to be in the $7m range after this deal expires at the end of next year. Our D will be super expensive.

  27. OpabiniaGlasses

    If it means anything, it’s probably better for the Sabres to trade Mitts at his all time high than pay him at his all time high.

  28. t800rad

    Between this and the news that Rooster Teeth is shutting down, can I humbly request that ALL MY INTERESTS JUST CHILL THE FUCK OUT FOR A SECOND?!

  29. ImEmbers

    Ahh yes, a prospect and another left handed defenseman. Exactly what we needed!!! Thanks Kevyn Adams

  30. AdFast6917

    Its like the Botts plan of stockpiling RD instead now were doing LD wtf

  31. I_was_like_Emilioooo

    As much as I enjoyed seeing mitts start to come into his own, I think I really like this gamble. Byram is still so young for a Dman in this league and with Kulich coming along with other prospects/offseason established forwards hopefully yet to come, Im excited to see how this pans out. Overall it sucks to see Mitts go, but Im good with the return.

  32. Sucks to lose him and didn’t want to, but this is a great trade

  33. Shannon518

    The entire saga of Mittlestadt started me off confused and ended with me confused. I remember the draft where he couldnt do a pull up. Him having ups and downs and now hes been up and only getting better and now hes gone.

  34. JoshAllensRightNut

    Cool so we get a guy who’s sick and prone to concussions and they can have mitts. This is fine!

  35. kit_mitts

    Sucks to lose Mitts right after he started to show promise, but you can’t get high-value assets without giving one up.

  36. Extension-Drama-457

    Good thing the Sabres didn’t invest any time in Mittelstadt’s development, and then dump him as soon as RFA comes along for a LHD that they don’t need. Don’t know how id feel if that happened.

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