@Devils du New Jersey

Le père de Tyler Toffoli a reproché à Nichols d’avoir inventé des chiffres dans son dernier rapport

Le père de Tyler Toffoli a reproché à Nichols d’avoir inventé des chiffres dans son dernier rapport



  1. max10081

    No disrespect to Nichols, I actually like his content. But he has zero credibility as an insider (not that he ever lost any, but he hasn’t built any yet)

    Also I think he works for the Fourth Period which has a reputation for spewing bogus rumors

  2. chickenKsadilla

    This is a good reminder that there is a very small group of insiders who are 99% reliable on everything they say: Friedman, LeBrun, Weekes, Dreger, and McKenzie (though he’s less active now). There also are some ESPN folks who are now gaining sources, like Emily Kaplan for example.

    Perhaps I’m missing a few, but in general there is a STEEP drop-off after this group to everyone else. For example, you have to straight up ignore anything from Pagnotta because he literally just makes shit up.

    Then you have the local beats, some of whom are definitely plugged in to a degree, but not to the level of the national insiders and many of which just aggregate other people’s reports and also make way more assumptions than probably should be allowed. Nichols is one of those people.

    Bottom line: Unless it comes from the elite group, you really shouldn’t have any confidence that it’s true.

    Edit: Removed Seravalli by suggestion

  3. corkyrooroo

    Nichols is a hack. Novo is our only worthwhile reporter.

  4. Anonycron

    Wait, is there more to the exchange? Where does the dad dispute the numbers or claim they were made up. Doesn’t he just ask where they came from? Couldn’t an alternative explanation be that these were supposed to be private and he is asking who leaked?

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