@Lightning de Tampa Bay

Le bon vieux Thunderdome détient le record du match de hockey en salle le plus fréquenté.

Le bon vieux Thunderdome détient le record du match de hockey en salle le plus fréquenté.



  1. toolschism

    Honestly man, it’s been so long since we’ve seen a truly bad lightning team. Yea they aren’t quite at the truly bad stage yet but the writing is on the wall with how thin our talent pool is.

    I imagine this sub is gonna empty out quite a bit in the next few years.

  2. Tricky_Challenge_644

    Fans that watched them in a barn

  3. TacticalLuke09

    The Thunderdome was before my time, but I did get to experience the wretched period between drafting Stammer and the 2015 Cup run. 2011 and seeing the new core being built was the bright spot, but everything else was pretty piss poor. This’ll suck, but the team will survive and in a few years they’ll be back. I’m excited to see more rookie rep, as well as Howard when he finally dresses in blue. Gotta enjoy the good things, and I’m gonna ride the Lightning from now until the League folds.

  4. Allen_Koholic

    I was at that game.

    Fuck the flyers.

  5. etherealcaitiff


    Shoutout to the big arcade and the Simpsons arcade game.

    Also shoutout to the goalie equipment photo op.

  6. MidnightRecon

    I’ve been a lightning fan since we used to call the old place  » The Ice Palace » grew up with Lecavalier and St. Louis ( the player not the coach as he is now) and other greats, Dan Boyle, Andre Roy, Ruslan Feditenko, « The Bulin wall » to name a few. Yes we aren’t the team we used to be. And those Fairweather fans will leave for now. But I grew up with this team. I learned how to ice skate because I saw our first cup run in 04. I began to watch sports *because of the Lightning*

    Win or Lose, Cup or Knockout. I’ll always be a Lightning fan.

  7. Negative-Wrap95

    We had season tickets for a couple of years prior to winning the first cup. It was so bad that when the nice young lady was explaining that we’d have priority for playoff tickets, we had to stifle a laugh.

    This ain’t bad. It’s just not as awesome as it had been.

  8. Skroskznik_

    Newer fans never knew how up and down this hockey club has been between Cup Championships

  9. backyard_BUM

    I commented on this sub about this before. But I won’t ever forget one of my first ever Lightning experiences was being center ice and like 5 rows up and we lost 8-2 to the devils lmao. Loved the team then, and will always love the team

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