@Capitals de Washington

Kuzy échangé à la Caroline

WAS obtient un 3ème (2025) et conserve 50% de salaire cette année et le prochain CAR obtient Kuzy
[https://www.tsn.ca/tradecentre/trade-tracker](https://www.tsn.ca/tradecentre/trade-tracker) Des réflexions ?



  1. espnrocksalot

    Not much leverage you have in this situation. Would’ve wished to retain less, but they probably had to do that for a better pick.

  2. Leesburgcapsfan

    OMG, im so happy

    I cant believe they managed to get a 3rd rounder for his dumpster fire ass.

  3. IBentMyWookie728

    I wish we would’ve gotten a second considering Carolina has another year of control and the Caps are retaining 50% of his salary. But meh, there wasn’t too much GMBM could do

  4. mcflyfly

    We save $3.5 million & get a 3rd round pick. Not bad.

  5. Garak_The_Tailor_

    We dont win Stanley Cup without him, thanks Kuzy. Hope you’re able to turn it around in Raleigh

  6. AmpersandTheMonkey

    Can’t believe we were able to unload half that deal and actually get a decent pick, all things considered.

    Best of luck to Kuzy. Hope he finds his game again.

  7. Prudent-Spell-1365

    Can’t wait for the free power plays every game against CAR. 

  8. sistahmaryelefante

    Bittersweet but clearly it was meant to be. I’m sad that Kuzy for whatever reason wasn’t able to live up to his massive potential. He’s as talented as they come but he was at times his own worst enemy . I wish him well but not when he’s playing us. 😕

  9. BruceTheSpruceMoose

    Damn, what a crazy situation. In a million years, I *never* would’ve bet we’d get more from trading Mantha than Kuzy.

  10. ProbablyDrunkAndLost

    2018: Two time defending Stanley cup champions Penguins vs one flying boi in OT. 

    Will never forget. I got a Kuzy jersey just because of that goal that kept Caps Cup journey going that year.

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