@Oilers d'Edmonton

POST BRUT | Kris Knoblauch 03/09/24

Kris s’adresse aux médias après la défaite des Oilers contre Buffalo lors de la fusillade de samedi.


  1. this team's offense is CHOPPY….. McDavid cant buy a goal… he has no slap shot to speak of ~ he is a dribbler and up close dunker….he has 5 PP goals all year…. 21 PP's last year. The PP is stale and this team doesn't seem like its growing …. "killer instinct" is optional to this group. The same setup coming every season… heavy optimism based on a solid regular season only to be hit by a mack truck of rude awakening in the playoffs. This team doesnt play dirty tough hockey… too much pretty finesse.

  2. It's a terrible game. Everything that happens is natural and is the result of serious mistakes in the construction of the game of the first link. McDavid playing backup at Hyman's is the most mediocre thing you can see. The link with McDavid needs to be built ONLY around McDavid, who has to throw and throw and throw and score and score and score. The team doesn't need 40 Hyman goals, that's 70 mcdevid goals not scored. Cayman should never play in the same team as McDavid – because he doesn't know how to play the pass at all. He overstays the puck and loses it in EVERY game. But the most unpleasant thing is that McDavid, playing the beer-serving boy all season, lost his game. He no longer goes to the gate and does not try to solve something as the most dangerous player in the league, he barely rolls and waits for someone to open for passes. This is the reason why the Oilers will be eliminated from the playoffs if this does not change. McDavid's link should ONLY play for him and he should score. Hyman should play in any link, but not with Mcdevid. If this is not changed, the team will not be able to show a strong playoff game. The way the team uses Mcdevid now is to hammer nails with a violin…The team's scariest attacking force is completely destroyed by having to hand out passes to below-average players. This needs to be changed. Connor has to start throwing a lot and playing selfish hockey, only then will the results come. Can't score by throwing five shots at goal? Let him throw it 15 times. He should start playing attacking hockey, and the link should be built only to bring him pucks. Now it looks like you're trying to make Auston Matthews out of Hyman by trading Connor Mcdevid for it – terrible stupidity. Hyman's selfishness, his inability and unwillingness to play the pass, his misunderstanding of Connor's hockey is dragging the team down. Playing in a link with Connor, even a supermarket salesman would score 40 goals, but the task is to bring Mcdevid to his 70+ goals in a season, and not that's all.

  3. Not really an overall just a sudden changes to open the lanes. Mcdavid or rnh not shooting as much on the left side of the ice this yr . Just be a threat to shot it . Then u open up the lanes for drais and bouchard . Edm really strong on the pp at the pt and right side for drais.

    Add a bit bumper play as threat to shoot btw the diamond so it to bring in the diamond shape formation. Then it can create more chaos and players late to their positions . Which then open up draos and bouchard.

    Love to see lavoie to get a few games at the end of the yr to see what they have with that one timer on the left side. Get some reps on the 2nd unit and 5-3 pp. Then edm has one timers on either side n up the middle for mcdavid to feed. Hard for the pk ans goalie to cheat or overload to drais side and up the middle on bouchard.

  4. Paid for one Ticket and got to lose twice. Tell Skinny to standup and not to give away that top glove side anymore…. its not saving more than its giving up…. @ least throw a shadow and give the illusion of maybe stopping the shot.

  5. We better go and get McDavids Old Erie team now.. before everyone gets scared that he will leave 😂😂

  6. PP same moves everytime.. like 80 passes. If it wasnt for the post, it would've been like 6-2 for Buffalo

  7. I'm so relieved Knoblauch doesn't think there's a problem. For a minute I thought the Oilers sucked in this game. So happy our coach is filled with sunshine and rainbows. lol

  8. Coaching fault this game. Second PP line has no speed, fix it. If the first PP is not working switch in one player and change it for a few times. Where are the line changes for the 3rd period?? Failure to read game as it went on. Looking slow for a good part of the game.

  9. Can’t believe there are fans that think cause we went 16 straight that we could do anything come playoffs.. we are going to get OUTSCORED frequently.

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