@Flyers de Philadelphie

Bobby Clarke a mené les Flyers à deux coupes Stanley consécutives

L’un des plus grands leaders de l’histoire du hockey, a contribué à donner son identité à la franchise des Flyers lors de saisons consécutives de Coupe dans les années 1970.


  1. The Bruins had a more talented team in the 1974 Finals (I feel). But Clarke was determined (conquering diabetes) and courageous. This might explain their win.

  2. Definitely one of my favs growing up, been a flyers fan ever since, I was around 10 or so and playing Hockey and I seen Bobby Clark with No Teeth and I said that’s what I want to do, he must play tough, and you should see my teeth today, played hockey for 20 years, knocked a few out jaw been broke so many times I quit counting, few other broken stuff, But wouldn’t change a thing….

  3. People say guys like Yzerman, Fedorov, Crosby were better than Clarke..
    Ask Scotty Bowman who he'd want as his no.1 center for a game 7 Stanley Cup final game ..
    See who he tells you…
    Lemieux was a better player but in playoffs I'd rather have Clarke ..
    In a game for my life , Gretzky is the only clear cut guy I'd take over Clarke …

    Ya know why, Bobby Clarke would play EVERY shift like HIS life depended on winning and losing…

  4. Met Bobby Clarke at a draft one night….and by met, I mean watched him sign a puck for a kid and drop it on the other side of the fence for the kid to try and get the puck back

  5. I remember that time when the Flyers won the Stanley Cup. The Philadelphia Flyers met the Toronto Maple Leafs three years in a row in the first round of the playoffs. The first year the Flyers swept the Leafs 4 – 0. The next year the Flyers won the series 4 – 3. Both teams won every game on home ice advantage. The following year, the Leafs were up 2 – 0 in games. But then the Flyers roared back with four straight wins. A lot of Leaf fans felt that Toronto should have won the third series 4 – 0. They blamed the coach for the third-year loss.

  6. I was a huge fan in the day. They have not mentioned his faceoff skill. It did a lot for the team.

  7. Life long Habs fan, but Clarke was an all time great…My Mom RIP always spoke with him on his way to Flin Flon at season end. Bobby would always ask how I was doing! I love you Bobby,like a great Uncle!!! Greatsty and most passionate leader Canadian hockey has produced!!! Thanks for all your support!!!

  8. Bobby Clarke was the world's biggest coward in my opinion. He always stayed fights but would always skated away and let his teammates finish them. He was as dirty a player as there was as well. Look at what he did to Kharlamov.

  9. I got to see Clarkey when I was young kid at the spectrum. I always think back to the great memories of the old flyers great short video

  10. Trashiest, most classless player I've ever seen. Awful human being as well. Typical Northern Skid who appeals to Philadelphia fans and people with tin foil attenas in the trailer park. Anyone who likes or respects this guy give your head a shake. Brutal for the game the way he handled himself as a player and how he was with people as a hockey executive. Always remember his famous quote "it's not the Flyers fault Roger Nielsen got cancer" sick, sick, sick and classless piece of garbage, doesn't matter how cups you win. Utter Dirt Bag

  11. Gretzky, Lemieux, Orr, Bure, Jagr, Crosby, McDavid…… all among the best ever, all great, great hockey players. So smart, so skilled. Howe was amazing, too, from the clips I've seen, and the way other players speak about him.

    But Bobby Clarke? He is the Ultimate hockey player. He had it all. I guarantee whoever was about to play against him, was very, very nervous. That's a man you want on your team. Always. If you gave him a cheap shot, expect a harder one back. No fear. So fierce.
    He had the Canadian spirit/passion when it came to this game.
    Bossy was my hero, though!

  12. The WHA gave the Flyers their two Cups in 74 and 75.. It decimated the Bruins and enabled the Flyers to get Bernie Parent back from the Toronto Maple Leafs where the Flyers traded Clarke in 1971.

  13. I admire the guy for what he did on the ice as a player. But as an executive……… well maybe he scored a few too many goals with the ol' Mellon.

  14. "If people hate you, well then youre doing something right"
    – Bobby Clarke

    I live by that motto

  15. I don't know why you people so much enchanted about this idiot named Bobby Clarke, he's an idiot and his team was always worst team at NHL, always. As a GM of the team,he did nothing special to change a style of stupidity of the team, because he was always stupid by himself

  16. I grew up in Detroit as a Wings fan (obviously) I was born in 95 but my older uncles told me stories about Clarke. Philly is my second home. Having been there as a trucker many times and having a natural inclination towards Philly sports, I love the Flyers. Not more than my wings tho 😉

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